Chapter 8 Decision Made.

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When Garrick returned home, Kagome was still taking a nap. He goes into the library to find Cecilia reading, she looks up at him and closes her book. Garrick goes over to her and gives her a kiss on the cheek.

"So, Garrick, what did you find out about Sirius Black?"

"He's innocent, My Darling." Garrick tells her, "He was never the Potter's Secret Keeper, that mousey looking boy, Peter Pettigrew, was. Albus told me that Sirius was held in Azkaban without a trial for 12 years."

"Merlin, that poor boy! What did Albus suggest about Sirius and Kagome?"

Garrick takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, he takes a seat next to his wife. "He thinks it's a good idea for them to meet. According to Albus, the boy was devastated when Grace left, and that he truly loved her. If that's the case he has a right to meet Kagome. But he suggests we get a paternity test first."

"I agree, we should get a heredity study done, not that I doubt her, just for our own piece of mind. I honestly don't think that Kagome will object, she's a very open-minded girl."

"Yes she is, Albus also suggested that we talk to her about transferring to Hogwarts so she can be closer to us and get to know her father more. But that's something I think we should wait on, at least a few days."

Cecilia nods.

Kagome was up by noon and decides to go downstairs to have lunch with her grandparents. But before she does she takes Grace's wand out of her trunk and takes it with her. Kagome had a little difficulty finding her way until a house-elf appears and shows her the way to the dining room. Kagome thanks the house-elf then walks into the dining room. She smiles at the sight of her grandparents chatting quietly and holding hands, Kagome clears her throat as to get their attention. Her grandparents smile at her and beckon her over.

"Kagome dear, you're just in time for lunch, did you have a nice nap?"

Kagome sits down across from her grandparents.

"Yes, I did thank you."

"Good, then I'll have Fonly serve lunch."

With a pop, Fonly came into the dining room with a platter of sandwiches and drinks. She serves her masters, bows then pops away, Kagome and her grandparents have a quiet lunch. Once lunch is over they go into the library where they all sit down near the fire. Suddenly Kagome remembers that she has her mother's wand.

"Oh, Grandpa, I thought that you might want my mother's wand back, something to help you remember her by."

She hands the wand over to her grandmother, who hands it over to Garrick. Garrick stares at the wand fondly, he suddenly begins to tell the tale of how difficult it was for Grace to find the perfect wand.

"Grace had thought that being a wandmaker's daughter, getting her wand would be a simple thing. She was wrong. It took three hours and countless tears and reassuring her that if we didn't find her one I would make her the right one, but finally she found it. Alder wood with a Unicorn hair core 10 inches. She began jumping up and down waving her wand wildly causing sparks to fly everywhere. But she was happy." Garrick explained, when he looked up he had tears in his eyes. He hands the wand back to Kagome.

"Keep it, Kagome, you need something of your mother's with you. I know you can't use it, but maybe I can shrink it down and turn it into a necklace for you."

Kagome takes the wand and cradles, "That would be wonderful, Grandpa, thank you."

Garrick smiles, and takes it back, "Then I shall get started on it as soon as possible."

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