Chapter 30 Home Sweet Home

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Kagome spends the next two hours with Firenze in the Forbidden Forest They stay in the clearing where Kagome sits on a fallen log while her new professor explains about foretelling the future by interpreting the stars and the planets. Kagome is completely fascinated. At Mahoutokoro, Kagome was taught to interpret dreams and how to tap into her visions.

Firenze looks up at the sky, even through the thick canopy he can tell it's getting late.

"That is all for today, Priestess, I do not wish for you to be late visiting your sire."

"How did you- Nevermind."

Firenze smiles, "If you wish to continue with your lessons I shall meet you here again next week."

"Absolutely, Firenze, Would the same time be alright?"

"That is acceptable. Come, I shall escort you to the edge of the forest."

Kagome stands up and follows Firenze out of the clearing. They make it to the edge of the forest just as the class for Care of Magical Creatures is heading up towards the castle. Kagome thanks Firenze, gives him a bow and blends in with the returning class.

Halfway up towards the castle, Kagome hears someone call her name. She turns around to see that it's Hermione along with Harry, and Ron. She smiles brightly at the trio.


"Hello, Kagome, where are you coming from, surely you weren't in our class?"

"No, this was my free period and I was sitting out at the Quidditch Pitch trying to decide what classes to take for Friday." Kagome smoothly lied.

"Oh, yes, we heard what happened with Professor Umbridge did you get in trouble," Hermione asked.

"Only a little, 10 points were taken away and I got detention with Professor McGonagall on Monday."

"Why with McGonagall, Harry had to go with Umbridge," Ron snarked.

"Probably because she's no longer my Professor, I dropped her class," Kagome answered in the same snarky tone.

"You dropped DADA! How will you pass your N.E.W.T's," Hermione asked.

"Well, last year I took double DADA and Professor McGonagall thinks that since I've received top marks in Defense since I was seven, I'm more than ready."

"Hermione nods, "So what are you going to do?"

I was going to take two electives in the morning and have afternoons free to study. I was thinking of taking Alchemy and Arithmancy."

"Oh, I take that, It's a fun class."

"For a know it all," Ron mumbled to Harry.

Kagome looked at Ron and shook her head, what kind of friend said that about another?

They get the portrait of the fat lady give the password and go inside.

Kagome says goodbye to the trio and heads up to her dorm. She's so excited about seeing Remus and her father, she decides that she doesn't want to wait. She goes to her trunk grabs her regular clothes and some boots then she goes to the bathroom to shower and change. She puts on a little makeup and steps out of the bathroom. Going to her trunk she packs a bag for the weekend and grabs her purse, then makes her way downstairs.

Kagome finds her group her friends and goes to say goodbye.

Fred George and the others look up when they hear Kagome approaching.

"Heading out already?" Angelina asks.

"Yeah, I want to spend as much time with my dad as possible. I just want to say goodbye."

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