back to mystic falls

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Y/n pov:

I arrived back in mystic falls late last night luckily Stefan was awake and explained that so far Elena had been kidnapped by two vampires who try to bargin her to someone named Elijah who is an Original vampire. Also that the two vampires are now dead then explain the whole plan about klaus who is the Original that is trying to sacrifice Elena and that Elijah is now daggerd in the basement . Also tomorrow they are signing the deed to the house over to Elena and I have to go back to school which I think is bullshit but they're letting me live here for free so I can't complain.
(Getting to the actual book now)

I woke up, the sun seeping through the curtains I groan when I realise I have to go to school. I reach for my phone on the bed side table and check the time 6:45. Uggg I think to myself I cannot be bothered but I drag my self out of bed and in to the en-suite bathroom.

After having a shower and getting ready for the day I make my way downstairs into the kitchen where I see both Damon and stefan "Good morning sleepyhead." Damon says with that classic smirk plastered on his face. "No Damon no, not good morning I have school which is something you won't understand the dread of and I can't seem to understand why in his right mind Stefan would ever whilingly want to go to." I glare over at Stefan for making me go to school "well mabey I just wanted to learn more." Stefan says and Damon pulls a face before stating "Bullshit you went to stalk Elena." I laugh when he says that and stefan looks down and scratches the back of his head in embarrassment.

Catching my attention when Damon puts a plate of pancakes infront of me with blueberrie eyes and whipped cream vamp fangs. I look up and smile at him "your favourite vamp pancakes made by your truly." Damon says then gives a dramatic bow at the end making me giggle. "Why thank you Mr Salvatore." I say and eat my pancakes in silence.

A while later Stefan, Damon and I are in the living room waiting for Elena and her friend Bonnie so they can sing the deed to the house over to Elena. I got bored after five minutes so went back upstairs to the room I was staying in. I go over to the desk in the corner and draw some sketches.

I hear talking down stairs after a while so I decided to go see if elena and her friend is hear.
When I go down I see a girl I am guessing is elena hand papers to a man then he leves, Damon and stefan are waiting out side.

I walk closer and the girl Elena and her friend turn towards me. "Umm who are you." Elena questions me rather rudly and with a glare fixated on her face may I add. "I'm Y/n Stefan and Damons friend, and I am guessing your Elena." I say. A smirk appears on my face when a look of realisation and embasment appears on her face. I turn to her friend and I can feel power radiating off of her she's very powerful and definitely a witch. I smile towards her and say "hey I'm y/n nice to meet you." Putting my hand out towards her she acsepts my hand and returns the greeting "hi I'm Bonnie it's nice to meet you too." After we shake hands she says "you're a witch, but something else aswell." She finishes confusion fills her facial features. "I'm a witch difrent to you but a witch none the less and I am also part werewolf." I say proudly. "Ho-how is that possible?." Elena asks in wonderment. "My mother was a werewolf Alpha and my Father was a Powerful siphoner ,. Stefan helped me a few years back ." I say and a look of bewilderment appears on both Bonnie and Elenas faces.

A cough sounds from outside ganing our attention. "I'm sorry I completely forgot." elena says turning to face the Salvatore brothers. "Stefan would you like to come inside my house." She says inviting the younger brother in. "I would love to,thank you." He replied. "What are we 12." The older Salvatore remarked. "One of us is." The doplganger said in returned. "If I let you in do you promise to obey the owner of the house." She states. Damon let out a scoff and replied with "no." The Gilbert girl not liking the response says "seriously Damon my way you promised, I call the shots no lies no secret egendas remember." She continued Damon was clearly not happy with this but replied "yes Elena
Sure." With a smug look elena then invites him in.

Bonnie hand elena her coat which Stefan notices and questions "wait where are you going?" "To school." Elena replied. "No we didn't create a safe house for you to leave it." Damon says and Stefan continued by saying "klaus is out there we know that." Anoyed the doppelganger says " right but where no on knows, I really appreciate what you guys are doing and I will be able to sleep at night knowing I will be safe here but I'm not going to be a prisoner.
"Your way elena." Damon says. Then Bonnie speaks up and says "don't worry I'm ready if he shows his face I can take him." And elena continues Bonnie's statement by saying " see the way I see it is that next to Bonnie is the safest place I can be.
I cut everyone of and say "Wait wait wait okay so your saying that they two can't go to school but you where going to force me to go."
" no we just said that so you would get up early and help us plan our attack on klaus, but since they're now going to school your going to." Stefan reveals. I look of disbelief adores my features. "Damm you Salvatore." I say angry and hit his shoulder.

Bonnie and elena have started to walk out the door me and stefan follow closely behind. "Can we take your car please." Stefan asked with puppy eyes. "Okay but only because you asked nicely." Testing his luck stefan then requested "can I dri-." Cutting him of I respond "not a chance in hell Stefie"

Elena and Bonnie go in Bonnie's car whilst stefan and I go in mine.

How's the fist chapter? I know there will be spelling mistakes so please note that I am dyslexic and find it hard to remember the correct spelling so please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Also I am not an author or any thing this is just something I wrote for fun. I know it isn't the best but oh well.

If you have any ideas for things you would like in future chapters feel free to comment or private message me at Freve1824
Also chapter will be longer in future.

1249 words

Love F.S<3

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