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Y/n pov

We arrived at the school and stefan compelled the office people that I was a new student and whatever. Also so that I have the same time table as him.

We have history first and I have already been informed that the save elena gang all new the history teacher and that his name is Alaric but they call him ric plus him and Damon are drinking buddys.

We walk into class and I take the seat behind Bonnie. Elena then hold a poster out to Stefan who shakes his head then she shows it to Bonnie who nods her head and Surprisingly holds out to me I see its a sixties dance and nod my head. If I am going to be forced to go to school then I'm gonna have fun whilst doing so.

Then Mr Saltsman walks in. "Hello class." He greets us. Then picked up a book from his desk and says "what are we learning today. " a pupil with a bitchy voice speaks up "with the decade dance we've been covering the 60s all week." She says. "Right,the sixties..." He pausees and looks at elena a funny way then his eyes land one me and his facial expression changes to something I can't quite read. Before continuing to speak "the uh sixties wish there was somthing I could say about the sixties but they actually kinda sucked well of course there were the beatles wich made them bearable,what else was there cubin missiles thing uh we walked on the moon, watergate- " He was cut of by elena saying "watergate was the seventies Ric." The thing I noticed out of all that was he appeared nervous for a history teacher and seemed to be talking as if he lived in them aswell I was cut off my train of thought by elena correcting her self from her previous statement by saying "uh I mean Mr Saltsman." The teacher un affect by the slip of the name just continues by saying "right all kinda mushes together up there 60s 70s, thank you Elena." I don't pay any attention to anything after that or any other classes either.

It's now break and I am siting across from Bonnie in the canteen. Her and elenas brother Jeremy who I was introduced to are in an argument I pay no mind to. Then elena comes over and greets Jeremy "hey Jer, are you okay living at the house alone with John." He replied while standing up from his seat "its not ideal." Then elena questions "you've not hear from Jenna have you." "No semes like she staying on campus look I'm uh late for class." He said then walks away and elena sists in the seat he previously occupied. "What's his deal?" Elena asks the Bennett witch. "I told him he had to dress up tonight and he got all uptight." She lied. "How has your first few classes been today Y/n ?" Bonnie asked me "oh uh theve been as good as they can be its school." I stated and the girls giglles.
Then the girl from history class walks over to our table "hey Y/n right, I've been looking all over for you this totally hot guy just asked me to ask you if your going to the dance tonight." She exclaimed "tell him to come find me when he grows apear of balls and asked me himself." I say and elena and Bonnie both laugh while the girl looks shocked then says " at least look for him he'll be at the dance his name is klaus." " what did you say ." Bonnie says with fear in her voice "I know his name Is weird but I swear he's hot." Then she just walks off. All three of us look at each other with shocked and feared expressions well elena and Bonnie had a look of fear I was just confused.

Back at the Salvatores. Elena, Bonnie, Stefan, Damon and I are all standing in a room Diciding on what we should do "so we go to the dance and find him." The older Salvatore starts as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Really how are we gonna do that, we don't even know what he looks like." The younger brother resorts. " somthing tells me he's not gonna be 16 and pimpily." Damon respond. "He can be anywhere at anytime he compelled somebody at school, guess its not as safe as you guys thought huh." Stefan says continued to reson his case.

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