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I woke up with klaus still sleeping beside me his beside me. I slowly and carefully pull away from him hopeing that he won't wake up. After successfully pulling away from him I put my pillow next to him so he can cuddle that insted.

I walk into the bathroom freshening self up for the day. Having a relaxing shower putting on clean clothes and doing my morning routine.

Walking back out of the room I see klaus still asleep with his fingers slightly in his mouth.
Small sleepily noises and murmers escaping his mouth as he tightened his grip on the pillow but froze I think coming to the realisation that it wasn't me.

He shot up into a sitting position frantically looking round the room before he relaxes when his eyes find me. A smile amediantly apeard on his face.

"Hello little wolf, did you sleep good?" I ask him Walking over to the bed. He noded his head and engulfed me in a hug his head resting on my shoulder and his hand with a strong grip on my shirt.

"Hi." He mumbled quietly. Nuzzling his face into the croke of my neck and inhaling my sent.

"It's the full moon tomorrow sweetheart, so I need to turn you can if you want but you don't have to." I informed him. He noded against me in acnolagement.

"Come on Angel you need to get dressed." I tell him pulling away from him slightly. He looked up at me with puppy eyes. "I want you insted." He said I'm not to sure e what he ment.

" I am hear Angel but we have to get back on the road remember we have to get to the bar to get Ray. How about I get your clothes for the day for you hmm dose that sound good." I ask "mhm." He responded agreeing .

He let's me go and I walk over to his bag pulling out a Henley and a pair of jeans for him to wear.

I walk back over to the bed were he sits and he raised his arms for me to put on the Henley , I then hand him the jeans and begin to walk out the room so he can finish getting ready


I made me stefan and klaus French toast for breakfast today and it was safe to say both boys enjoyed it and stefan had seconds.

We packed up our things getting ready to go on the road again this time stefan was driving while me and klaus where in the back.

An hour and a half into the journey klaus fell asleep with his head resting on my shoulder and his hand on my lap lazily holding my hand. I smiled down at the sleeping boy he looked so inocent like this as if you would never guess he was a thousand year old Hybrid known for killing people and feared by many but I was not one of those people. I didn't fear him I just felt comfort from him.

Klaus hummed in contentment and snuggled closer to me breathing in my scent.

We drive for a while until we reach the bar to find Ray. Klaus was now fully awake and more so himself putting his gard back up ready to interrogate the werewolf to find his pack.

Stefan and klaus go in the bar first I waited back for a bit until stefan walked out and motioned for me to come in.

I walk into the bar seeing everyone minding there own business then the man I assume is Ray chained to the wall at the dart board with darts in his face. Klaus was siting at the bar and stefan threw a dart at Ray, I walked over and took a seat near klaus ordering my self a drink.

I notice klaus had a beer that hadn't been drunk and he looked at it as If it was abit sceptical. "Klaus, would you like me to get you a different drink?" I ask him getting his attention as he looks at me.

He looked at the beer then back at me "no, I'm a big boy I can have a beer l." He said then took a drink of the beer but pulled a face at the taste of it.
"Are you sure about that little wolf." I ask him and he just looks at me giving me puppy eyes I smile and put my hand up to rub his cheek with my thumb he leand into my touch and closed his eyes smiling slightly.

I pull my hand away to get a drink klaus whimpered quietly at the loss of contact. "Here drink this instead." I say bringing the straw of my drink to his lips.


A while later I stand by stefan talking a little with him as Ray is chained to the dart board beside us.

A woman aproches klaus placing a hand on his chest informing him that Damon was near.

"Mr klaus you told me to tell you if I saw that guys brother." She said her hands move from his chest to go touch his face and I can tell klaus is becoming uncomfortable with the situation his eyes find mine a look of plead in them.

I walk over and take klaus's hand. "Klaus c'mon I need you help with something." I say taking him away from the girl who rolled her eyes stomping out of the bar.

"You okay sweet boy?" I whisper to him. His body still tence but I could
He was slowly beginning to relax.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled quietly avoiding looking me in the eyes.

"Why, what are you sorry for Angel you did nothing wrong." I say putting a hand on his cheek to make him face me.

"I I couldn't get her away, I didn't like her touching me." He confess and a rub my thumb against his cheek.

"Aww my sweet boy that was not your fault the woman was just making a fool of herself clearly not caring that tou were uncomfortable but that is not your fault okay you were just a bit on the edge of being little you didn't know what to do." I say trying to comfort him.

He breathed out a sigh and leand his head on my shoulder snuggling his face in the crook of my neck for comfort.

Hey guys I know it has been a while and I have decided not to re write but insted continue on.
Tho I may change it slightly to a more subby klaus than a little insted I am not to sure yet.
I took a break due to mental health reasons but I told my mum about it and I am getting the help I need.
I am going to try start to post again this it may be slow updates.

Thank you for understanding xx

Love F.S <3

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