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After I had to say goodbye to my brother again yesterday I left town for a day to clear my head I visited an old friend and just like any another day when I returned I missed so much because there is no such thing as a normal day in mystic falls.

Turned out they found a whole bunch of pictures in a cave that was carved by Rebekah and klaus when they were human and more done by others that told us that klaus had killed the original witch his mother and blamed it on his father so Rebekah is upset with the truth.

And the most stupid thing that they done was wake up mikael like a bunch of idiots.

That was all I learned on the phone call home with Damon, now arriving at the Salvatore house I walk in finding Rebekah crying on the floor in the main room.

I rush over to her pulling her to me and letting her cry it out on my shoulder.

"Come on Bekah let's get you cleaned up and we can watch a movie or talk if you want" I say to her helping her up and leading her upstairs.

Rebekah got herself freshend up and ready into some pajamas and so did I then we sat on my bed.

"My brother killed my mother." She said to me shocked at her own words.
"He killed her." She said the realisation dawning on her.

"I'm sorry Rebekah." I tell her not knowing what else to say but she just rests her head on my shoulder.

"Audry!, Rebekah!" Damon yells for us. "What do you want Damon?" I asked anoyed he had interrupted us.
"We need your help both if you to lure klaus back." He said and me and Rebekah looked at each other before reluctantly getting up and changed then going downstairs where everyone was.


Stefan sat on a chair and everyone remained quiet as he phoned klaus.

"Your father is dead." He bluntly said to him through the phone.
"What did you just say to me? Klaus responded.
"Oh I'm sorry not your actual father and not dead, Mikael daggerd, what do you want me to do with the body? Stefan asked.
"Well first I want you to explain to me exactly what happened." Klaus said.

Flashback an hour ago

Stefan went over the plan and we all listened to him truthfully I didn't really feel good about going along with this plan and I could tell Rebekah didn't ethier.

"Alright well say Mikael followed elena hear and tried to grab her so he could use her as bait." Stefan began.
"And do what?, vervain him?" Elena asked.
"No we vervain him guys an Original gota make it realistic." Damon spoke up.
"Fine we vervain him and in the process descoverd he had a dagger." Stefan agreed "wich he planned to use on Rebekah but instead." Elena said.
"We drove it through his heart." Stefan continued.
"And what happens when he asked to see Mikael's body?" Elena asked.
"Good point you my brother have been compelled to do as klaus says, so the idea to lure him back hear and kill him, last thing we need is you getting triped up and tongue tied." Damon told them.
"Well don't look at me I'm only in charge of getting him back hear." Stefan responded.
"Klaus isn't stupid if we tell him that Mikael is dead he'll want proof." Elena said.
"Then I shall be dead." Mikael said appearing out of nowhere walking into the room making us all turn to look at him.

Stefan and elena walked over to him me following suit.
"What if he wants to see you in person?" Elena asked him
"Well that means our plan is working, klaus will absolutely want to see my body you lure him hear and I will kill him" Mikael says as I observe him from affar.
"With what thise daggers won't work on him." Stefan says.
"Well I'm in position of a stake fationed from the wood or the ancient white oak tree the one that left these ashes when it burned." Mikael said unwrapping the dagger and opening the jar of Ash.

My eyes widen when I hear him.
"Whear is it?" Damon asked him curiously.
"Not here, knowing its location is my insurance policy." Mikael said dieing the dagger into the Ash.
"Against what?" Stefan asked.
"You leaving this in my heart, you see a vampire can't dagger an Original without dying so it falls to one of you two." Mikael said gesturing to me and Elena.
"You want me to actually dagger you?" Elena asked when Mikael handed her the dagger.
"I'll do it!" I said taking the dagger from elena.
"Ah so egear aren't you wolf girl." Mikael said.
"Yeh well I've had a very shitty day." I said back to him then plunged the dagger straight into his heart.
"Have a nice nap you dick." I said and elena looked at me shocked but I just shrugged at her..

****end flashback ****

"I want to see him, I want to see his rotting body for myself. " Klaus said through the phone.
"Well he's hear, come bye whenever." Stefan responded.
"If your lying to me stefan your compulsion will expose you so answer with your life." Klaus threatened.
"It's true I saw it with my own eyes." Stefan said looking down at Mikael's body.
"I want to talk to Rebekah." Klaus said waning confirmation from his sister.
"That's not a problem she's right hear." Stefan said handing the phone to Rebekah.
"Hello Nik." She said.
"Rebekah love what's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run in with a dagger." He asked.
"It's true, He's finally out of our lives for good, I miss you I'm miserable here well other than Audrey we made up." Rebekah said sending me a smile.
"I'll be home soon." He said.
"Good I'll see you then brother." Rebekah said.
"Let me talk to Audrey." He said and Rebekah handed me the phone.
"Klaus." I said.
"Hello my luv is what they are all saying true is Mikael daggerd?" He asked me.
"Yes I'm looking at him right now." I confirm to him , technically not lying.
"Okay ill see you soon luv." He said hanging up the phone.
"It worked he's coming home." I said handing the phone back to elena.

Then me and Rebekah both left the room going back upstairs.
Rebekah sent me a look and I noded pulling out my phone to message klaus.

'It's a trap Nik, be careful.' I sent to him.
'Thought as much thank you for letting me know' he quickly replied.

And I put my phone back in my pocket.

Looking up finding Rebekah in her pajamas already.

"Now where, where we?" She asked ploping herself onto my bed turning on the TV.
I smiled and got comfortable joining Rebekah on the bed to continue our movie marathon.

I know late update but I am now back from my holiday yass I am happy to be home so i Hope you enjoyed this chapter klaus is back next chapter yayy!


Love F.S <3

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