seniour year

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(Heyy so I have decided to name the oc Audrey insted if y/n)

"Hear we are senior year" Caroline said as Bonnie elena Caroline and I stood infront if the school.

"Dose anyone else feel like this should feel slightly more impowering?" Bonnie asked with her hands on her hips.

"Okay! So prank night was a bust but we are accepting it and moving on" Caroline said as we began walking towards the school.

"Your right why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghost of his dead girlfriends hinder this experience." Bonnie said.

"Yes, and why should I the fact that my boyfriend is a Hybrid damper a otherwise fabulous day." Caroline said

"And why should I let the fact that  my  best friend was fourced to turn his  humanity off ruin this experience for me." I said as we walked closer to the school.

Elena came to a stop " today's our anniversary." She said and we turned to look at her. "Technically stefan and I met on the first day of school last year." She said.

"Yeh you win" Caroline said. "How?" I asked her and they turned to look at me.

"I mean I personally think Bonnie has it worse with her boyfriend seeing his dead girlfriends no offence elena." I spoke up.

"You know what your right I have to put it behind me there are more important things, new year new life." Elena said in  agreement.

Then Caroline looped her arm with me and we walked into the school.


I stood by elena as she was on the phone with Damon aparently Rebekah was now living in the bording house,then she sighed and pulled the phone away from her ear.

"You know he can be a real pain in the ass sometimes." She complained and I sniggered.

"Believe me I know." I said as we saw Caroline hang up a flyer across the haul.

"I forgot about the bonfire." Elena said as we walked over to Caroline.

"What, you have to go it's our first spirit squad avent and it sets the bar for the whole year and it will be Audrey'sfirst proper school event because I'm not counting the decade dance cus that was cut short." Caroline said.

"Relax Caroline I'll be there." Elena assured and they looked over at me.

"Yeh I'll be there to Don't worry." I said to them.

"Thank you it's jus-" Caroline was cut short by Tyler swooping in and kissing her.

"Happy first day." Tyler said to her as he pulled away from the kiss.

"Is that blood on your shirt?" Elena asked when she caught eye of the stain on the collar of Tyler's shirt.

"Omg." Caroline whispers and pushes Tyler into the boys toilet me and Elena on their tail.

"What's going on." Tyler said confused.
"Vampire one 01, don't wear your breakfast to school. Caroline said.

"Chill out it's just a blood bag." he said calmly.
"From where?" Caroline asked. "Rebekah hooked me up" Tyler replied.

"Rebekah and what are you even talking to her for" Caroline says.
"Klaus told her to keep watch on me, you know protect his knew asset" he responded.
"His what." Caroline said pulling a face. "Why are you amused by this?" She asked him.
"I'm his first successful hybrid Caroline don't you think that's the tiniest bit awesome." Tyler said.
"Oh,wow I cannot believe you just said that." Caroline said.

"So um we're going to go." Elena said taking my hand pulling me with her out of the school toilets.

"Bye Audrey." Tyler called out to me just before the door closed behind me and elena.

Suddenly we come to a halt as elena bumped into Stefan.
"Hello elena, Audrey." Stefan greeted us.
"What are you doing here." Elena asked.
"What do you mean I'm going back to school, go Timberwolves." He cheered the last part sarcastically.
"Why?" Elena asked him.
"Klaus wanted me to keep an I on you and Audrey I'm just doing what I'm told." Stefan responded.
"Were going to be late for class " I said as me and Elena went to walk by stefan he grabbed onto each if out arms.
"Oh um class is this way."He said.
"Let go of me stefan " Elena said and he held us tighter.
"Elena do you think I want to be a senior for the 100th time, no" He asked rhetorically. "If I don't have a choice in the matter nether do you."
He said.
"Let us go stefan." I said to him trying to get out of his grip.
"Oh come on Audrey I thought I was your best friend." He said facing hurt.
"Your nothing but a vessel of him." I said angerly.
"Now let me go." I said and he released me but still had ahold of elena.
"Let go of me stefan." She said again.

"Let her go." Alaric said walking over to us.
Stefan put his hands up in a mock of surrender then took two steps back from elena and I before grabbing Alaric and shoving him against the school lockers.
"Stefans stop it." Elena whisper yelled at him.
"Your not going to wana get in my way okay ric." Stefan said then patted his shoulder stepping away from him.
"I will see you three in history."
Stefan said then he left.


"What the hell is he doing hear." Alaric asked once were in his classroom.

"Klaus compelled him to watch over me and apparently Audrey aswell because we're one of klaus's assets now that my blood is the only to create a Hybrid and I'm not sure about Audrey."
"So now he's a bodyguard." Alaric remarked.
"I'm not sure what he is but he's definitely not stefan." Elena said.
"Do you have any idea why klaus might be after you?" Alaric asked me.
"No I'm not to sure yet." I shrugged, lying to them because I don't really want them to know about klaus being my mate just yet.
"Don't worry we'll figure out soon I'm mean it must be important if he called for you at the Decade dance aswell." Elena said just as the bell rang.

I took a seat along with elena as the class began to fill with students.

"Your in my seat" I hear stefan say to some guy in our class making him move so he could sit beside elena and close to me as I was behind elena. We all exchanged lookes as he did.

"Welcome back seniors, let's uh turn our brains back on starting with this countries original founders the native Americans." Alaric began but was cut off when Rebekah walked in the class
"What about the vikings?" She asked.
"Well there's no evidence that viking explorers actually settled in the United States." He replied to her.

"Who are you?" He asked.
"My names Rebekah I'm new and history is my favourite subject." She said as she took a seat in front of elena as she and Alaric exchanging a look.

We had P.E after history but I decided to just skip the rest of the school day and went back home feeling a headache with today's events going on and truth be told I just couldn't be bothered.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter


Love F.S <3

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