road trip

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We have been on the road for hours I had a small sleep in the car other than the radio and the rain outside the car journey has been quite. I open my backpack and get a share bag of doritos out because I am hungry.
I open the bag on offer some to Stefan who takes a hand full then offer some to klaus who aso accepts my offer.

Whe share the crisps (I am British) between us until the bag is empty then I pull out some water for us I hand Stefan one and I have one klaus was busy driving but at a red light took a few gulp of water.

"Can we stop at a hotel for the night I am tierd I say we have been in the car  for nearly 24 hours and I want to sleep in a bed. Also I don't want to listen to Stefan snoring, believe me this is only the beginning of his snoring so bad it could wake up the dead." I say "sure luv the next one is 2 miles up the road okay." Klaus replied chuckling at my joke. Stefan was already out cold in the back seat.

Me and klaus talk to between our selves quietly.
"Favourite Decade?" I ask. " the 20s, I loved the 20S the style the music the jazz."He says in truth. "How did you meet stefan?" Klaus asked " I was in a burning bulding a few years ago Stefan heard my screams and saved me, I stayed with him for a few days before returning to home, the two of us stayed in contact with each other ever since." I reply. "What dose the infamous Original Hybrid do in his free time?" He smiled before replying "painting,I love painting even as a child when I thought I had no place in the world art taught me control every choice is mine the canvas the colour." He says genuinely happy to talk about it. "Do you have any siblings?"I feel awave of sadness come over me when I think about Peter. "I am a twin, I had a brother his name was Peter." I say sadly. He looks at me for a moment. " I'm sorry luv, I lost a brother aswell, his name was Henrik it was my fault he died we snuck out to watch the wolves and he paid the price he was but a child." He says I feel a sence of familiarity I blamed my self for my brothers death aswell and he died young. "I'm sorry, I guess we aren't alone in that pain." I added.
The two of us talk the rest of the way to the hotel.

We pull up to the holes and I wake Stefan. We all get out the car and grab our bags. Klaus gose to get us the rooms but when he comes back he only had two keys. "They only had to rooms left." He informes us handing Stefan a key. "I call my own room." Stefan yells before speeding away.

"Looks like it is me and you luv." He says Cheekly with a coacky smirk on his face. "Seems like it." I reply. Klaus began leading me up to the room we were staying in.

The room was pretty nice the window had a nice view a TV on one wall and a armchair I'm the corner and a bath room connecting onto our room.there was only one bed. A double bed with white sheets. I throw my duffle bag onto the bed and placed my rucksack on the chair. "I am going to get changed in the bathroom and have a shower." I say grabbing a pair of pajamas out of my bag. "OK my luv."He says placing his bag on the bed aswell.

When I was in my shower different thoughts clouded my head. Like shouldn't I hate him? Why is he being so nice to me? Where am I going to sleep on the bed or on the floor? Or are we going to have to sleep in the bed together? Also why does he get headaches i thought vampires couldn't get headaches? Why do I feel such a strong connection towards him already? Is it the bond? Does he feel it too?

I get out my shower and change into shorts and t-shirt comfortable pajamas. I walk out of the bathroom to find klaus passed out on the bed. He must of been really tierd. He looks so precious , his lips slightly parted hair falling onto his face, his breathing calm. He was wearing joggers and was shirtless also he was lying on top of the covers instead of under them. I didn't want to wake him but I didn't want him to be cold ether so I go over to my rucksack and take out my blanket. I placed the mint green blanket over him and hop in the other side of the bed, I turn off the lamp and try to get to sleep. Eventually I slip away from the reality of the world.

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