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We had gotten the information that we needed out of Ray and were now walking up a mountain to get to his pack.

Stefan had an unconscious Ray over his shoulder and klaus had been teasing him about it during our walk but now klaus walks beside me holding onto my shirt.

"You okay Steff, is Ray getting heavy?" I ask in consternation for my friend.

"No I'm fine Y/n thanks." He said turning his head to look at me giving me a small smile wich I return.

Klaus tightens his hold on my shirt after my interaction with steffan.

"Klaus, you good?" I ask him but he doesn't reply he only hold the shirt tighter.

I get that he doesn't feel like talking at the moment so I continued to walk exchanging small talk between stefan as klaus remains quite.

Soon enough we come to a clearing and klaus let's go of my shirt as he starts putting his gard up stepping forward as stefan drops Ray infront of the pack .

Klaus introduced himself to the pack a look of fear on their faces when they realised.

"Your the Hybrid." One girl mutterd.

"You've heard of Me fantastic " klaus says a smirk appears on his face.


I sit on a rock listing as klaus explained bein a Hybrid to the wolf pack Ray gasping for air as he woke up.

"Excellent timing Ray very dramatic." Klaus mused.

I chose not to pay at to what is going on around me until Ray lunges forward and runs off klaus tell stefan to go after him , not long after stefan came back with a were bite but klaus refused to heal him until he got Ray back.

Klaus then walkes to me as his Hybrids slowly begin to wake up.

He leans his head on my shoulder with a sigh leaving his lips.
"What's wrong little wolf?" I asked him.

"I have a bad feeling." He mumbled out to me.

"Like what" I ask turning to him slightly as he lifts his head off of my shoulder, my question soon answered when of  klaus's Hybrids try to attack him.

Klaus fights back against the Hybrids and a take on a few of them too but in the end they were all dead.

I look over to klaus who stands with a sorrowful look on his face as he looks at the dead Hybrids.

I walk over to ho him standing by his side his hand clutching onto the hem of my shirt but not turning to face away from the dead Hybrids.

I put my hand on his cheek and turn his face to look at me instead. I give him a small smile. "C'mon sweetheart." I say leading him over to sit on the rocks.

He looks to be still in a daze as we sit on the rock, but my bones begin to break as the full moon is in the sky.

Klaus's head snaps to me when my bones break. "I need to go klaus okay, you can stay hear or join" I tell him as I walk away a little my bones continue to break.

I stand now in wolf form Klaus's eyes on me. I aproched him slowly his hand reaching out to pet me, I allow him snuggling into his touch as he lets out a small laugh.

I jump up my paws on his chest as I lick his cheek making him laugh more. "Stop, stop it tickles." He squeals out.

I continued to do so making him laugh more distracting him from the events of his failed Hybrids.

After I stop and he catches his breath his hand holding tightly onto my fur.
I lay down and he lays down with me his head resting on me as I curl around him in a protective stance.

His breathing begins to even out his eyes fluttering shut eventually falling asleep.

Stefan arived not long after with a dead Ray over his shoulders.
He dumps Ray on the ground and walks over to the rocks sitting beside me and klaus.

"Hey y/n." He said scratching behind my ears.
I nussel Stefans hand my gaze soon going to the werewolf bite on his arm and I let out a small whine.

I turn my gaze to a sleeping klaus and lick his cheek to get him to wake up.
He grons shifting his body as he wakes up looking at me a small smile appeares on his face.

Then he looks to stefan still tierd he mumbled "you look like hell" while rubbing his eyes.

"Last I checked I'm dieing and you refused to heal me." Stefan snaped groogly.

Klaus huffed sitting up grabbing a beer bottle and bites into his wrist poring it in the bottle, the smell of his blood making my head snap up in his direction that delicious smell hitting my nose now more intense.

His wound closes and the smell is gone.
I stand up stretching then grabbing the bag I took with me picking it up with my teeth, then running into the forest.

I get a safe distance away my bones snaping again as I return to my human form.

Now in my human form I open the bag taking out joggers and a jumper putting it on then standing ti walk back to the camp site I hear klaus yell about how his Hybrids failed.

I get back and walk over to the boys klaus breathing heavily but seems to calm down a little when he sees me.

I take his hand in mine and put my other hand on his cheek rubbing it softly with my thumb.

"It's okay shh there, we'll find a way to fix it okay relax your safe okay." I say as he closes his eyes taking a deep breath the noded his head.

"Cmon Steff let's go back to the hotel." I say to stefan who just wached the interaction then walks over following me and klaus as we start to make our way down away from the camp site.

Klaus held onto my arm walking close to me and stefan walking at the other side of me as we make our way down.

We arrived at the car stefan went in the back, klaus went in the passenger side and I went in the drivers side.

I drive us back to the hotel the car ride silent except from the radio playing and cars passing by.

We got back to the hotel going into our rooms klaus coming with me.
I go to the bathroom and get changed into pajamas then some out and see klaus sitting on the bed patiently waiting for me.

I walked over and claimed into bed beside him, he immediately snuggled closer to me griping my shirt in his fist and leaning his head on my chest as silent tears roll down his cheeks from the disappointment and sadness from his failed Hybrids.

I run my hand through his hair as we both slowly fall asleep safe in each others arms.

A/n hey just to let you guys know I have exams on all this week and next week, we'll not really exam exams there more like practice ones for next year when I will be doing my prelims exams, so the next update might be a little while sorry.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Also new book cover.


Love F.S <3

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