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Klaus pov:

I am now in my original body y/n has been asleep for just over a day but I wanted to properly meet her in my body and not that bloody history teacher.

I walk into the room I have laid her in tuked nicely under the bed covers. I run my finger gently across her cheek. Her skin is so soft god how long I have wanted to meet her only took a thousand years. I smile down at her and admire her beauty. Her lips slightly parted, her brown hair slightly messy, and her soft pale skin.

I start to feel a headache come on. Why is she making me feel the need to act small and little why do I act like that I can't act like that so I push the feeling away and go to the kitchen to grab some water.

After having my water I go back to where y/n is and dicide it's time to wake her. I stroke her cheek again lightly and say in a gentle voice "y/n my love wake up. C'mon love time to get up."
She stirs and slowly starts to wake up.

Y/n pov:

I hear a gentle British voice calling for me to wake up. I slowly become aware of my senses then fluter my eyes open only to be met with the most beautiful baby blue eyes. "Good Morning my love it's nice to properly meet." He says snapping me out of my daze then I reliese this is klaus. I recognise him ever since I broke my curse I have had dreams of this mysterious man I now know to be klaus but how is this possible. I rub my eyes and sit up slowly leaning on the backboard of the bed. "Klaus." I stated in a matter of fact tone. He just smiles at me and sits at the edge of the bed. "I am." He says confirming that I was correct. "What am I doing hear, where am I." I say taking in my soundings of the small bedroom. " We're in Alarics apartment and I took you hear before I had a fight with the witch, I took you hear to keep you safe." He says. Then stands up "c'mon luv you need to eat." I reluctantly get up Thankfully I am still in the clothes I wore to the dance. He leads me to the kitchen and I sit at the breakfast bar on a stool. "Your teacher doesn't have much food in hear so coco-pops it is." He informed and poured me a bowl of cereal with milk. I noticed he only made me one a not his self. "Why aren't you eating?" I ask not really know what else to talk about "not hungry plus I'm a vampire I can survive without food it'd just not recommend." He replies. "Okay, but if I may ask why are you being so nice to me?" I question genuinely wanting to know why he is being nice to me out of any one in the world "well one you have giving me no reson as to not be unkind to wards you and two well I like you your different you pay attention to the smaller details that end up being very useful and most people would miss them very details. And you have a nice aura around you." He said then walks away over to the couch to look at his laptop.

I finished my ceral and walk over to klaus who looks up at me and smiles. "I'm sorry my luv but I need to go somewhere and I can't have you disappearing when I am gone so I need you to stay here with Katherine who will be hear in a minute so you just sit tight in the bedroom until I return okay my luv." Klaus says and I do I go back into the bedroom and wach the small TV that's there and wait until he came back.

Not long after klaus returned Damon came barging threw the door demanding that klaus purspone the ritual and that he took back the werewolf and the Vampire witch where friends of the Scobydoo gang them being Caroline and Tyler. But then klaus being ten steps a head said the he had a back up. Back up werewolf back up witch back up vampire. At first I thought he might use Damon but he just snaped his neck and revealed that Damon has a werewolf bite I was shocked to say the least and I was upset because I don't know what it would be like without Damon sure he can be annoying but him and Stefan have always been there for me.

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