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I wake up today with klaus still clinging to my side not that I minded he had a rough night. I look at the clock on the night stand it is only 7:45 am.

I feel klaus's grip on my shirt tighten as he stirs awake. He grons coming out of his sleep. He looks up at me but his eyes are different his pupils a wider than normal.

He quickly scrambled out of the bed looking at me backing away when he reaches a wall he slides down it and curls up into a ball.

I am confused at first then reliese that he is little. I know Stefan isn't in the apartment right now klaus told him what he had to do yesterday.

I get up out of the bed and walk over to him slowly to not scare him. Once am a little close but not too close so he doesn't get frightened. I crouched down to be level with him.

His eyes hold so much fear and he holds his knees to his chest in a ball. "Hey bud it's okay, I won't hurt you." I tell him. I put my hand out towards him he flinched at the moment.

"No pweas i-i sowy." He said in a small inocent voice. I wouldn't hurt him. I am angry not at him but at whoever clearly has hurt him in the past.

" I won't hurt you Angel you didn't do anything wrong." I tell him trying to reassure him and make him realise I won't hurt him.

Insted he runs away from me still scared. He ran out of the room as I followed behind him. He acsadently knocked a glass over in the kitchen. It smashes and he fell in the water.

He backed a way into the corner at the cabinets of the kitchen counter. He begins to cry out.  I pick up the broken glass so he doesn't hurt himself.
Then dry the water. I crouched back infront of him.

"I-I sowy I sowy pweas i-i sowy I  be good." He apologies while continuing to cry. He bites on his fingers and hugs his knees with the other arm.

"It's ok it was only a glass of water, c'mon sweetheart let's get you cleaned up, it must not feel nice in those wet yucky clothes now is it." I ask he nods his head agreeing with me. I stand back up and put my hand out for him to take.

He acsepts my hand hesantly and we head to the bathroom I grab his bag that stefan had brought up before he left.

Once we are in the bathroom I stand him in front of the counter and close the bathroom door. I grab him under the arms and lift him onto the counter with my wolf strength but being surprised by how light he actually is.

He doesn't say anything just watches me as I pull out a pair af joggers and a baggy Henley shirt for him to wear. I then wipe his face with a tissue.

"Can you put your hands up for me please?" I ask him and he compiled raising his hands. I put the Henley over his arms then his head putting it on him.

"Will you be able to get changed the rest of the way by yourself?" I ask him not wanting to do his joggers unless he wanted me to do so.
He noded his head yes so I lift him off of the counter and leave the bathroom for him to finish changing.

While he is in the bathroom I go to the kitchen and make two bowls of lucky charms. I get my self orange juice in a glass and manage to find a see through plastic cup for klaus so he doesn't break another one and panic.

I noticed klaus was still in the bathroom. I go over to the bathroom door and knock gently "Niklaus are you alright you've been in there for a while?" I ask him.

I got no reply so I slowly open the door. I see him standing at the far side of the bathroom fully dressed I grab his bag of clothes and put the dirty pair of joggers in the wash basket.

He looks so upset. My heart broke at how sad and distressed he looked. Someone had hurt him badly and I couldn't help but hate that person.

"C'mon sweetheart, let's get you some breakfast." I say to him reaching my spare hand out to him. He takes my hand without saying a word.

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