"Who's she?"

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"Dad..." the blonde called out softly

"Wait, Andrew is your dad?" Maggiw asked surprised

"Ye—yeah,why?" the blonde gave back

"Nothing, nothing... just surprised, that's all" Maggie answered

"Cut it off, whatever you two are doing, do it outside, not here" Amelia then said, to the men standing beside Meredith's bed

"I'm not doing anything, he's claiming Meredith as his boyfriend as if Meredith would even dare to be with you" Andrew scoffed

"Andrew...a word please" Maggie then asked, motioning him to follow them outside.

They stepped outside of the room, leaving Nick inside alone,as Andrew's daughter was still confused about what was going on.

"What are you doing here?" Amelia immediately asked

"Alex asked me to" Andrew answered shorty

"So he went to Italy to pick you up?" Maggie continued, sarcastically

"He just told me what happened, and I wanted to go here myself, he didn't asked me" Andrew defended

"Who's she?" Amelia then asked, pointing at the young blonde standing by the window while looking at Meredith's figure

"Camille..." Andrew answered shortly, earning a confused look from Amelia and Maggie "my daughter"

"Oh she's —"  before Maggie could finished her sentence, he interrupted her

"Yes, Meredith's daughter" he clarified, taking a deep breath

"How old is she again? Because the last time we saw you here was what? years ago" Amelia stated, ironically

"She's 16" Andrew answered shortly

"Wow..." Maggie breathed out, not sure how to react "you really kept her away that long from her own mother?" she then let out a slight scoffed in disbelief

"Me? Meredith's the one who doesn't want to have kids" Andrew snapped, defending himself

"She was with her daughter for a minute then she went away...she held her for 2 minutes after giving birth and realized she didn't want it so she took off and went back here in Seattle and create her own life while I worked my ass off to give my daughter the love and support she needs from me, I tried and I'm trying me best to fill the love she's seeking from her mom. And I'm sorry for not bringing her here sooner,but you have absolutely no right to blame for taking my daughter away"

"I'm confused... I thought you're the one who doesn't want kids?" Amelia frowned at him.

"I didn't... having Camille was a total accident but we managed to keep her, realizing how happy Meredith was when we found out... she was so happy" A small sad smile formed on his lips, thinking about the night she told him about her pregnancy

"Why did she leave?" Maggie wanted to know

"We were in our 2nd year of residency" Andrew replied shortly "she realized she wasn't ready to be mom so she left me with Camille"

"Did she ever ask about her mom?" Amelia asked softly

"Every time opportunity"

"What do you say?" Maggie asked

"I told her she's a doctor in Seattle..." Andrew answered shortly.

"Dad..." they heard Camille approaching behind them

"Yes, sweetheart?" Andrew replied, turning around to face his daughter

"Can I sit inside for a minute, please?" she asked softly, earning a confused look from the doctors in front of her "I just want some peace company so I figured it'd be nice to company Dr Grey inside...." she continued hesitantly as Maggie and Amelia looked at each other with a confused frown and amused smile "But if not.. it's okay, I'll just sit outside and find empty bench"

"No,no it's okay you can go inside..." Andrew cut her "Keep her company, tell us if anything changes okay?" he theb added with a small smile

"Dad, I've read all your medical notes and medical books I know how to read a monitor" Camille let out a small chuckled

"Right..." Andrew chuckled softly before Camille went inside the room.

Nick had already left before Camille even asked if she could come inside.

"She's smart" Maggie smiled as Andrew turned around again, facing the two women

"She really is... she looks exactly like her mom" he stated, a sad smile forming on his lips at the thought of Meredith missing all the events she should have been sharing with her daughter and him, all those years she missed, birthdays, Christmas, new years. She wasn't there to celebrate with them.

"I'm gonna go grab something for Camille and I.... do you guys want something?" Andrew then said after some moments.

"No, thank you" Maggie smiled as Amelia just nodded slightly ij agreement.

"I'm gonna go inside and keep her company" Amelia stated, earning a nod from Andrew before she stepped inside the room.

She walked in, seeing Camille sitting on the stool next to Meredith's bed holding onto her hand, caressing it softly.

"Hey, mind if I join you?" Amelia smiled softly

"Dr, Shepherd..." she spoke softly


"Please tell me my mom's going to be okay?" Camille looked up at her as Amelia saw the small tears slowly leaving her eyes. "Please tell me she'll wake up and see me again" she added,as if she was pleading.

Amelia just looked at her in shock,not sure what to say nor how to react at thus point.

Did she knew all along that Meredith is her mom? how did she even find out? did Andrew told her?

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