"I want to see him"

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"I want to see him"

As the three of them got out of the car, there were already police waiting for them to show them their way in since they had informed them that they'd go the station to give a statement and to see Him as well.

"Dr,Grey..." a tall bearded policeman approached them "It's really nice to see you" he then reached out his hand out

"Chief Hopper, it's nice to see you too" Meredith smiled slightly, shaking hands with him as the police man did the same with Alex and Andrew.

"I heard, you're ready to give us a statement?" Chief Hopper asked softly,as they were walking through the hallway.

"Y—yeah" Meredith answered, nervously

"But she doesn't have to force herself when she can't continue it right?" Andrew butt in, concerned about Meredith

"Andrew..." Meredith trailed off softly

"Of course...we can take it slowly, just... tell us a little bit about what happened then we'll try again the next day,that sounds good?" Hopped asked, concerned about Meredith and seeing how anxious she looks since they enter the station makes him want to reschedule this,and just send them home

"Yeah, that's great" Andrew nodded as Meredith kept looking around anxiously, as if she was keeping an eye on everywhere, or somehow looking for Nathan's presence since knowing that he's inside that building makes her knees go weak and her body numb.

"Mer..." she heard Andrew's voice  while tapping her shoulder softly "you okay?" he asked,as he noticed that she was lost in her own trance.

"Hmm,yeah. I'm good" she nodded softly as they entered the room for Meredith and Hopper to have the conversation in private.


It was  silent for a good 10 minutes, Hopper just giving Meredith the time she needs, time to breath or prepare herself to talk about what happened while she's fidgeting with her fingers anxiously.

"Dr Grey,if you are not comfortable talking about it with a policeman I would love to call a different officer... does Officer Hertz sound good?" Hopper suggested, knowing how sensitive the case is and also his concern is not just about the case but also the comfort of the victim — or the person he's talking to.

"Yes,pleas... thank you" Meredith answered appreciatively

Hopper walked out of the room and immediately met by Andrew. "Is it done? how is she? can I see her?" he aske, trying to look over Hopper's shoulder

"She hasn't said anything yet,Dr Deluca. And she's asking for a different officer, I'm going to get Office Hertz to asked your wife some statements"

"Wh—why, did she have another panick attack? can I see her?" Andrew rambled, concerned about his wife

"Dr Deluca, I assure you you're wife is okay just nervous, I am the one who suggested to ask a different officer since it's a sensitive case... and talking about it with the same gender as her would probably be much easier for her" Hopper explained.


  Officer Hertz entered the room with a warm and comforting smile on her face, a pen and paper in her hand as she sat across Meredith.

"Dr Grey... I'm officer Hertz but you can call me Jenna if you're feeling more comfortable with it" she spoke so softly receiving an appreciative smile from Meredith, before she took a deep breath "So... whenever you're ready,take all the time you need"

"We...we were drunk..—I was...and he —he was tipsy..." Meredith stummer, pausing for a good long time

"It's okay,take your time Dr Grey" Officer Hertz said again,not wanting anything right now but make Meredith feel as comfortable as she can

"A week after that night I found out I was pregnant... with Nathan's child" Meredith continued, feeling a thick lump in her throat just by thinking about the night she was trying to scream for help but Nathan's hand was on her mouth making her voice muffled against his strong paml

"So, you're saying...the night he touched you was different when we found you in—"

"Yes" Meredith answered shortly, interrupting her "He must have thought I told somebody about what he did and thought of touching me again and tried to kill me"

"And before the last time who were you with last that night happened" Officer Hertz asked lightly, observing every move Meredith's made, trying to feel if she's getting uncomfortable so she'd know when to stop

"Alex and Jo...we were at the bar and then I stopped by at their house for a bit... I tried calling my boy—" she paused realizing what she was about to say making Officer Hertz raised her brows in confusion

"Take your time... it's okay"

"I tried calling Nick...he wasn't answering then I decided to just walk since his house was just a few blocks from Aoe...then I felt someone following me, that's when I tried calling Nick and I texted him several time but he kept shutting me off since we had a fight"

"And the first was about he thought you slept with Dr Riggs? that he got you pregnant?"

"Yes" Meredith nodded

"We can continue this other time,Dr Grey... I think we can call it a day" Officer Hertz offered, noticing how Meredith's breathing got uneven

"Thank you" she tried to forced a smile before sprinting out of the room and immediately look for Andrew.

"Andrew!" she called out but there was no answer "Andrew!" she repeated more louder this time, her surrounding getting blurry as she walk down the hallway looking for Andrew but then someone hold onto her before she fell on the ground.

"Hey... you okay?" she turned around and saw Nick standing so close behin her

"Wh—what are you doing here? where's Andrew?" she let go if his grip and walked passed him,theb again to the hallway

"He went to the bathroom, he'll be back" Nick  tried following her but she sas walking too fast

"Don't come near me" she then told him as he almost reach out on her again "Don't touch me" she muttered before walking passed him as he saw Andrew walking down the hall.

"Meredith, please" she heard Nick called her softly but she ignored him and continue walking towards Andrew.

"Hey" Andrew gave her a soft smile she hugged him

"Can we go home now, please" she sniffed softly clenching onto his shirt.

"Yes,love..." he replied softly, pressing a kiss on the side of her head as he caress her back comfortingly

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