"I would love that"

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"You've got your dad's adorable freckles" Camille looked up immediately when she heard her words,her heart was pounding like crazy and tears started to stream down her cheeks.

Frozen on her spot,heart racing and feeling overwhelmed all of a sudden.

She knew...her mom knew exactly who she is...but how?

"H—how did you—?" Camille stutters as she can't actually still form a word since confusion takes over her

"How can I not know who my own daughter is..." was Meredith's answer trying to offer her daughter a small smile "I can always recognize those freckles on your nose and cheeks,it looks exactly like your dad's" she added, feeling how Camille is slightly squeezing her hand and leaning more into it without really having her to even notice it.

"Really?" Camille asked,small tear left her eyes, slightly wiping it "dad said I have your green eyes which he couldn't stop talking about really... every time we'd have a movie night and I would ask him about you he'd just say that I looked exactly like you like a mini version and I didn't believe him until I saw your photos together when I was born and uhm... your photos as babies" she smiled at the thought, going back to the time when she found her dad's secret box with tons of their photos in it. "And my birth certificate which has your name on it..." she chuckled nervously, looking down on her lap.

"I'm sorry...for everything"those were the only words Meredith could say for now since she was still a little overwhelmed seeing her daughter all grown up now. "I wasn't there for you when you needed a mom to lean onto..." she added. "I know that it's not easy to forgive me but I'll do anything in my power to make everything up to you...if that's what you want" she added, smiling at her hopefully "And I want you to know how much I regret leaving you and your dad I—... I am so,so sorry, Camille"

"When I found out that my mom who happened to be you, Meredith Grey an award winning rule breaker surgeon..." Camille began chuckling making Meredith chuckle as well "I started to dream of becoming a  doctor like you...
I feel I have finally found what I am supposed to be in the future,a doctor just like you and dad"

"You'd make a great doctor someday" Meredith smiled, caressing her daughter's knuckles

"I uh—if you don't mind mo—Dr Grey..." Camille asked again

"Yeah?" she answered, noticing how Camille avoided calling her mom sent ache in her heart but she can understand her.

Well who is she to Camille  to call her mom they just literally met,not that she wouldn't mind Camille,her own daughter calling her by her name for the meantime but... she badly wants to hear someone call her mom, Camille to be exact.

"Why did you uhm... left us? why didn't you fight for us to stick together? did Dad do something? did he cheated on you? Because I want to know whom to be mad at because I have been waiting for this moment... to meet you,my mom who happened to left us 17 years ago and I don't know why" she rambled.

"It wasn't your dad, it was me" Meredith finally admitted "I was scared... to be a mom because your dad and I was just a resident back then,we were really busy with work and also because your grandma was scared to failure,she never wants me to have a kid not at that point at least..." Meredith tried to explain "but I you to know how much I regret not fighting for you and I have already regret and resent myself for leaving you behind... I always think of you every single day. How much I regret not seeing you grow up, your first words,the first time you lost a tooth and when you had your first period,that was my job and I wasn't there..."

"I uhm.. want you to know that I was never mad at you..." Camille said softly, "I knew you wouldn't just leave us without a reason... I was always jealous of my friends because they have someone to call mom growing up, someone they look up to, someone they can rant to..." she sniffed softly "I thought I would never have that... not until I found who my mom is and now that I am here with you..." she took a deep breath,tears now leaving her eyes "I want to spend the time with have left with you...mom"

Her smile somehow faded and her words confused her "I would love that..." she answered instead,not minding her words. Thinking it might be nothing. But having her heart jump in excitement hearing her daughter calls her mom.

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