"Are you two...?"

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"You good?" Amelia asked watching Meredith change into her street clothes.

"For the fifth time since this morning..." Meredith sighs annoyed "yes, I am fine" she added smiling appreciatively

"Just want to make sure your incision is healing well and head aches aren't that bad anymore" Amelia tried to reasoned.
"Any headaches again?" she then asked, wanting to make sure her sister is alright before discharging her.

"No" Meredith answered shortly, shaking her head

"Is Nick going to take you home or —"

"Nick is not my business anymore, I am going home myself" Meredith interrupted her as she walked back over to the bed grabbing her phone

"And you think I'm gonna let you do that?" they both turned around and saw Andrew standing by the doorway,hands in his pocket

"And why do I need your permission?" Meredith joked

"Because the last time I checked I —" he didn't finished his question when Amelia cut in

"Are you two...?" she frowned in confusion

"Are we what, Amelia?" Meredith asked

"Back together or what?" Amelia continued

"Where's Camille?" Meredith then asked, intentionally avoiding Amelia's question

"She's waiting in the car for you" Andrew answered with a smile, excitement creeping inside him.

"Okay then .. I'll excuse myself"Amelia grinned at her sister as she as well gave her 'the look'

"Thank you for discharging me...Dr Shepherd" Meredith joked at her sister as Amelia walked pass Andrew

"Please take this woman home because I don't think I can handle another day having her stubborn ass in this hospital" Amelia whispered at him, letting out a sighs before she walked away.

"And what did that woman tell you?" Meredith crossed her arm as if she's questioning him, interrogating him

"She wants to make sure I'd get you home safely" Andrew lied having to chuckle himself. But it wasn't completely a lie though because he do really wantd to get her home safe.

"Hmm" she only humm but having to give him a suspicious look "okay then"

"Can I uh...take you home?" he then asked her, meeting her eyes again

"Yes please, I'll tell you ny address" she nodded, smiling appreciatively as he walked closer to the bed, now standing across from her.

"No, I mean...can I...take you...HOME" he repeated, emphasizing the word 'home'

"Andrew...." was the only word she said as he took her hands into his

"Look, I am  happy now that you are okay and Camille is really happy to finally meet her mom and I can't tell you how much exited she is cleaning the house for you" he smiled at the thought of their daughter, aggressively cleaning the carpet stain this morning "she's really hoping you'd stay with us... at least until we figure out about us" he added his last sentence hesitantly as she hasn't given him an answer yet.

"Call Camille and tell her to go up here I'll page Maggie..." she then let go of his hands and grab her phone.

"You wanna check her heart?" he asked, slightly amused

"I wanna know more about her condition, I can't just sit on the couch talking to her and think that there would be more of that moment..." Meredith tried to explain her eyes already welling up with tears "I want to help out daughter, Andrew. If I have to call Cristina and have her do the surgery I would because I'm pretty sure Maggie will say no and she'd say she doesn't want to be the one who killed her own niece" a small tear left her eyes,which didn't go unnoticed by Andrew as he wiped it off and slightly brushes off her rosy cheeks

"Okay... I'll call Camille and you page Maggie... we'll figure it out,okay" he tried to sooth her

"Thank you" she smiled at him, leaning more into his touch.

"Base from her last scans,the hole hadn't gotten bigger which is great,but..." Maggie let out a deep sighs "it's better to operate as soon as possible so we can prevent further morw damage to her heart because she'll be in more pain if we do nothing" she paused, looking back and forth s Andrew and Meredith trying to read their faces. "I'll call UNOS immediately and I'll update you as soon as I can..."

"So, we'll do the surgery?" Camille asked her parents as they were sitting in the car

"As soon as Auntie Maggie got a perfect match heart for you,yes" Andrew answered

"Will she be doing my surgery?" Camille asked, nervousness creeping inside her "I've read about her before and she's the best heart doctor I've seen on the internet...can she do it?"

"Your Auntie Cristina will do your surgery...sweetie" Meredith answered

"Why not Aunt Maggie? because she's your sister? or you think she's not good enough or you don't trust her?" Camile wanted to know

"Your Auntie Maggie doesn't want to be involved with your surgery...we talked and we agreed that as soon as we have a heart for you... we'll call your auntie Cristina and ask her to do your surgery" Meredith explained,hoping her daughter would understand her

The whole car ride wasn't completely silent since Camille had asked Meredith about Cristina and she told her that Cristiana is also a great surgeon.

"Mom..." Camille again called softly, shyly

"Yes, sweetie?" Meredith smiled, loving the sound of someone calling her mom

"Are you uhm...are you going to stay with us tonight?" the young lady asked shyly "it's just..." she sighed defeatedly "I've waited for this night since yesterday and uhm....I was hoping to sleep with you tonight?" she addee, shyly.

Andrew just focused on the road,a smile he couldn't hide still written on his lips.But somehow he doubt she'd say yes since she hadn't given him an answer yet... about her living with them.Well she promised to spend the rest of the day with Camille and they did,they ate lunch, went to the mall while the two of them hand in hand and Andrew walking behind, admiring the two women walking he loved the most in front of him.

"Yes, if that's what you want" Meredith smiled as Camille's smile grew even wider,her sentence made Andrew snapped out of his trance as he just noticed how big their smiles were. "And of course if that's okay with your dad" she added, looking over to the man next to him driving carefully.

"Yes,Mer...you are more than welcome to stay with us..." Andrew smiled at her, meeting her emerald greeb eyes once again before focusing back on the road to avoid accident.

"Thanks dad..." Camille cheered giving Andrew a kiss on his cheeks "you're the best!"

"Okay,okay... you've said that before. Ans you only said it if you got something you wanted" Andrew joked, making Meredith laughed as Camille let out a small scoff, trying to sound offended.

"I do not!" she spat back playfully, leaning back against the car

"Oh you do... always" Andrew chuckled

"You got me that from your dad" Meredith's joined in, chuckling as well

"Hey,do not tell her any stories it's not appropriate for her age!" Andrew warned but can't help but chuckle at the memory

"Mom,tell me more!"

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