"My life is you..."

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"I'm saying...I want to make everything right and start again... with you"

Silence filled the room, just the two of them, loving each other's presence.

Until Camille walked in "Hey,dad?...m—Dr Grey..." she softly called out.

"Yes, sweetie?" Andrew turned around wiping his small tears,as Meredith did the the same letting go of his hands. "Need something?" he added.

"Talk..." Camille answered shortly

"What exactly?" Andrew asked again, confused as his daughter's statement.

"I don't want to leave Seattle, yet" Camille slightly shook her head negatively, "I know our flight is tomorrow and I don't want to leave yet... not until Dr Grey is discharged... please?" she asked ever so softly and sounds so vulnerable as it almost sounds like she's pleading "Please,dad... just one more day at least...then we can go back to Italy" she offered, hopeful her dad would agree.

"I just asked Dr Grey... your mom... for a second chance if we could start again, make everything right..." Andrew stated, having to smile himself "why don't we wait for her answer so I can answer your question" he added.

"Dr Grey..." Camille trailed off, walking next Andrew.

Meredith looked at Andrew and Camille back and forth... she wants to make everything right with him and make up everything for her daughter.And she can't do that if they leave Seattle and go back to Italy for good.

"Come here..." she pulled Andrew closer to her, until she was cupping his cheeks.
"You deserved so much more, Andrew" her eyes are now welling up with tears,while slightly caressing his cheeks with her thumb as he put his hand over hers, caressing it lovingly "Someone who would treat you better than I can.."

"And that someone is you,Mer" he continued "I am...we are not leaving Seattle without you" he added in whisper

"You have to, Andrew" she said to him,as if she's somehow pushing him away "You live in Italy and I live here...in Seattle,my life is here"

"My life is you..." he sniffed softly "so if we have to move here for you we would"

"You've done enough and so much for me Andrew,and I don't deserve any of it anymore..."

"You're still my wife,Mer" he then pulled that card out as if to slap it on her face

"Mo—Dr Grey... please" they then heard Camille from behind "do it for me..."

"Camille..." Andrew trailed off as if to warn her

"I don't have enough time left and I want to spend the time I have left with my mother...at least have the courtesy to spend the week with me and dad" she plead, small tears leaving her eyes.
"I have been wanting to hug you since I saw you in that bed,call you mom,rant my life to you and tell you everything about the guys who's been wanting to court me but I can't... because I don't know if you still consider me as your daughter after all that happens"

"I should be the one asking you that..." Meredith gave back "I've noticed that you're avoiding calling me 'mom' and calling me Dr Grey instead...do you still want me to be your mom?" she theb asked her.

"Of course I do!" Camille answered without hesitation as she immediately ran towards the bed and hugged Meredith soon she felt her tightening her embrace and pressing light kisses on her temple.

Meredith reached over Andrew's hand and mounted 'thank you' at him earning a welcoming and greatful smile.

"So is that a yes?" Camille muffled against Meredith's neck making her parents laugh.

"That's definitely a yes, sweetie" Meredith smiled caressing her daughter's back.

"I love you...mom" she sniffed burying herself more into her neck,as small tears now uncontrollably leaving her eyes

"I love you too,sweetie“ Meredith pressed kisses on her head, rocking her from side to side gently.

Andrew walked in in Meredith's patien's pitch black dark room, seeing she's already fast asleep under the sheets,and Camille on the couch near her bed all curled un under the blanket.

Camille refused her father's suggestion to go home since they have not  make up yet after what happened this morning.

Andrew gently pulled the blanket up to Meredith's chest noticing how she was slightly shivering, resting his hand on her shoulder as he pressed a small kiss on her forehead.As he did the same with Camille.

"Andrew" he turned around at the soft voice as he was about to walk out of the room.

"Yeah?" he replied softly walking back to her bed.

"Stay... please" she asked so softly,her eyes still closing and able to feel and recognize his presence.

"You sure?" he wanted to make sure since she hasn't given him as answer.

"Hmm" was her only answer,she slowly scooted further for him to have a space next to her.

Soon, she's leaning against his chest, her arm wrapped protectively around her, not ever want to let go again.

"Andrew..." she again called him,her eyes still close just enjoying being in his embrace.

"Yeah" he replied softly, smelling the familiar scent of lavender in her hair.

"I want to start again with you too"

Someone Else's Star [occasional update]Where stories live. Discover now