"How've you been?"

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Meredith entered the small cafe,the aroma already stuffing her nostrils as she spotted Nick sitting by the window looking out the window, watching the car passed by,and people walking on the side walk.

"Hey" she shyly greeted, sitting across from him.

"Hi, thank you for um... meeting me" he smiled sadly, letting out a shaky breath
"I know it's been hard and um... I'm sorry, Meredith...for everything" looking at her eyes, her sparkles were gone,it was there before but now it wasn't. Sparkles of her eyes that's a sign for him that she indeed loved him but now it wasn't there anymore.

"And I'm sorry too... for lying about my marriage and...my daughter" she then added, looking down to her lap "it was really hard for me because I was the one who walked out and left them" she then added hesitantly,not even sure if she should tell him about it, "I wasn't ready to become a mother and Andrew was ready to be a father so I left him, I know it sounds selfish but I knew I did the right decision because if I has stayed with them... I wouldn't have met you, I wouldn't have felt loved by you and Camille probably wouldn't have had a great childhood because I always think that I'd be like my mother- hating and resenting my own kid"

"But you are.... from what I've seen you're a great mom to Camille and I can see how much you love and miss her," Nick interfered, " and Andrew too"

"About him...." she took a deep breath, "I didn't know he didn't file the divorce because I never received a letter or even an email,not even a text or call if he's gonna do it" she then explained

"Being rejected twice probably was the most painful thing that happened to me..." he softly chuckled, "but I did enjoy and will forever cherish the years I spent with you"

"Yeah...me too,and thank you...For everything Nick, really" she softly smiled

"You were the love of my life, Meredith and now I get why I was never yours... because it's Andrew, he has always been, right? Even when we were together... you must be so in love with him that you moved back in with him when you got discharged from the hospital"

"I did that for Camille..."

"Right... Camille" he nodded slowly, inhaling a sharp breath "I'm seeing someone...her name is Faye, she's a florist in Minnesota"

"T-that's good....so, you're leaving?" she asked looking down again, not having the guts to look him in the eye

"In a week... I'm still packing and have few surgeries left since I took over your service for a long time,so your patients have also become mine" he chuckled, trying not to show how nervous he still is.

"How long have you been seeing Faye?" she hesitantly asked which took him by surprise that she had the courage to asked about his new potential relationship.

"Not that long... we went on a date once and it was great... We're seeing each other again this friday" he smiled small and Meredith nodded.

After an hour and half of talking, continues apologizing and quite a laughter, surprisingly, they both came to conclusion and create a closure with one another. They're both happy for each other and the bond they both created. It was hard for the both of them opening up about their mistakes in the end of their relationship,but eventually they talked it out and forgive each other and remain as friends- professional colleagues.

"We're home!" Meredith announced as she entered the house, placing her house key on the table on their doorstep.

"Let me," Andrew said, helping Meredith take her coat off and hanged it behind the door along with his own coat. "I almost forgot, Camillw went out with her friends.She said she'll be back before dinner"

"Oh,okay" Meredith nodded while slipping into a pair of cozy slippers and walking to the kitchen. "What are we having for dinner"

Andrew watched her intensely, drinking a glass of water. My wife's hot. He was standing by the kitchen's entrance, leaning against the doorframe admiring Meredith looking at the fridge. How is that she's just looking at the damn fridge and turning me on. He breathed out heavily and slightly shook his head.

"Andrew,?" he was snapped out of his thoughts when Meredith tapped his arm, "Did you hear what I said?" she worriedly asked. "Are you worried about Camille? Didn't she say she'll be back before dinner?"

"Yes,yup... she said that." he simply swallowed hard and walked away from her to drink water "And I'm not worried"

"Then why are you acting so weird?" she slightly nervously laughed, thinking she might have done something wrong, "Did I do something? Is it because I talked to Nick?" she walked up to him, holding caressing his back, sending shivers down his spine.

"I'm gonna go take a bath" he simply said,not looking at her before walking upstairs.

Damnit, she's killing me. That's all what he can think about while taking a bath. Her hands all over him. Her body against his. Her soft lips against his. Her, screaming his name.

He looked up at the shower, the warm water hitting his body as he felt a hand slowly wrapping around his body. On his chest and on his stomach while she's resting her face on his shoulder. The warm water wetting their bodies as Meredith softly caressed his body in an affectionate loving way.

"You gotta be kidding me" he slightly breathed out,not loud but loud enough for Meredith to hear it. Not in an annoyed or frustrated way,but in a way he got Meredith offended as she immediately let go and stepped out of the shower.

"I-im sorry" she said, wrapping her body with a robe and closed the door behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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