New Mornings

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The next morning, Camille woke up with no one on either side of the bed and still half asleep she stood up and heard laughter in the kitchen, already assuming her parents are making breakfast.

"buongiorno amore mio!"(good morning sweetheart) her eyes widened at her mother's statement

"You speak Italian,mom?" she asked amused, rubbing the sleep off of her eyes

"I did, your dad didn't tell you?" Meredith then asked her

"No,he didn't" Camille shook her head, sitting down in the dining table

"Hmm, wonder why" Meredith then looked over to Andrew looking at him skeptically

"She's still practicing her Italian since she mostly grew up in Seattle before we moved to Italy" Andrew told Meredith, flipping the pancake

"She mentioned that when we were still at the hospital" Meredith gave back,but smiling appreciatively at him for telling her

"And also... she wants to learn French" Andrew added

"That too...I told mom about that as well and me planning on going to med school..." Camille butt in, sitting on the stool across from her parents "because I figured since both of my parents are amazing surgeons..." she let out a deep smile,a smile forming on her lips "why not follow your step right? follow our family's legacy"

"Have you thought about the specialty you want to specialize?" Andrew asked, walking to the dining table with a stack of pancake on a plate in his hand as Meredith followed him, Camille sitting next to her mom while Andrew across from them.

"I'm thinking about Neuro.." Camille answered as Meredith placed a pancake on her plate "but, cardio maybe...I don't know yet but I'm really determined to practice medicine" she added as if her whole life depends on it,well it kinda does since it's her career their talking about.

"You still have a long way to go, you'll figure it out" Meredith tried to someone assured her daughter, caressing her back lovingly.

• • •

Meredith walked in in their room seeing her husband, leaning against the headboard and laptop on his lap.

"What are you doing?" she asked him, leaning against the doorframe

"Sending an email to my boss in Italy" he answered shortly, looking up at her for quite a some moment before looking back at the screen

"Why?" she asked again, joining him in the bed

"My notice..." he again shortly answered her question

"for?" she asked again, looking over to the laptop screen "resignation letter..." she read

"Yeah,he called me earlier and asked when will I be back since I've been gone for so long when I only asked for a week off..." he tried to explain

"Then what?"

"I told him I'll send him my notice and he agreed... very well than I was expecting actually" he chuckled

"What about Camille's study?" Meredith asked, wanting to start the conversation about them living together.... again

"She said it herself she wants to move here and have friends here..." he answered

"Yeah, I mean her whole life is in Italy and so is yours...I just meant... it'd be a big adjustment for you two especially for her" Meredith gave back aa Andrew closed his laptop turning his full attention towards the beautiful woman next to him

"She's been wanting to study at Washington University since she was a kid..." he smiled at the memory "actually, before I even told her that her mom lives in Washington...she already wants to move here.She was just 6 back then" he added making Meredith chuckle slightly

"Why didn't you?" she asked, their laugh fading.

"We were going to but Carina talked to me out of doing it since she knew how hard it was for me when you left" a sad smile form on his lips.

The silence was loud, before they heard footsteps rushing upstairs.

"Mom! Dad!" Camile came rushing to their room, phone in her hand

"No running, you know that!" Andrew warned her

"I know, I know but look at the news!" Camille said panting, handing her parents the ipad

Breaking News: Cardiothoracic Surgeon Nathan Riggs just turned himself in for rape and attempted murder. This case has been on investigation for months now but Police couldn't find enough evidence that could let them towards the suspect.Nathan Riggs a well known and respected surgeon,was arrested earlier this morning and put to jail for 30 years.

Meredith just stared at the screen for a long time until she was pulled out of her trance when she felt Andrew slightly shaking her.She was frozen,her surrounding was fading, it all seems so foggy and everything was muted.

"Mer..." slowly becoming aware of her surrounding when she heard Andrew calling her "are you okay?"

"Mom..." a tear left Meredith's eyes as she met her daughter's gaze who's in tears,she then looked over to Andrew and all she saw was concerned look on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked again, slightly caressing her tights.

She jumped immediately and rush to the bathroom, kneeling down on the toilet and started throwing up.A few seconds later, she felt a hand slightly caressing her back and put her hair up into a messy bun do she wouldn't cover it in puke.

Great, nerves is getting into me again.

"You're okay, we're here..." she heard Andrew's soft and calming voice soothing her from behind, feeling how he's lovingly still caressing her back as she was sniffing softly before falling back and against his chest.

Flashbacks from that night went back and forth in her mind as if it was on repeat.How he grip her tights, slightly choking her and how he beated her up and throw her out of the car and into the bush.

Right now all she could feel is Nathan's hand roaming all over her body, touching every inch of her without her permission. But she wasn't, she's in Andrew's arm,safe and protected.

"I'm here,Mer..." he whispered kissing the side of her head, feeling how she tightened her grip on his shirt. "He can't hurt you anymore...not ever" he whispered again.

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