"Can I keep this?"

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The next day....

Camille was walking down the stairs as she saw her dad in the dining area having his morning coffee and a laptop in front of him,as usual.

"Good morning dad" she walking up to him and kiss his cheekd before waking to get cupboard to take a bowl and spoon

"Morning..." he replied with a sign, closing his laptop and now his  full attention is now on Camille.

"I assumed you've talked to Dr Shepherd..." Camille looked up feeling a pair of eyes watching every move she made

"How did you know?" he asked, taking a sip of his coffee "okay, I'm not mad and I have no problem with you talking to her at all but I want to know how did you find out" he clarified, smiling encouraging at his daughter.

"You're really bad at hiding your stuff, Garfunkel" Camille chuckled walking joining her father in the dining table, sitting across from him

"So she told you huh..." he scoffed slightly but having to smile at her

"Oh mo— Dr Grey told me a lot of things about you..." Camille chuckled, taking a bite of cereal,a sad smile form on her lips at the thought of she couldn't call Meredith mom in front of her own dad... why? what if he gets mad or somehow offended? what if he's not ready hearing me calling Dr Grey mom after she left us? wait,am I ready?

"What else did she tell you?" Andrew asked again,he noticed how she avoided saying the word 'mom' but he didn't mind it.He just asked her again to lighten up the mood.

"You always break your rules, you always gets her morning coffee just to steal a kiss from her..." she continues, grinning at her father

"That is not true,Camilla Deluca!" Andrew snapped playfully at her, trying to sound offended

"Well, that's what she told me" she shrugs her shoulder before taking another bit of cereal

"What else did she tell you?" he wanted to know more "did she tell you about the fire at Jackson's apartment?"

"No...what about it?" Camille then asked, clearly interested in her parents past

"Well... it was one of my great memories with her... inappropriate one and I think you're too young for that story" Andrew chuckled, smiling at the thought of them and when Richard walked in on them while having a moment.

"Dad... I'm 17  almost an adult so you can tell me anything even if you two were having a moment that time" Camille joked as Andrew went silent looking up at her "ohh, you two were having a moment weren't you?" she grinned.

"I'm gonna go take a bath..." Andrew stood up, trying to avoid his daughter's question

"Dad,come on!" Camille followed him upstairs until they reached Andrew's room.

"You're too young for that story and I don't think she'd want you to know about it" Andrew reasoned while walking towards his closet to take out his outfit for the day.

"You haven't even talked to her, you haven't even walked in in her room since she woke up,how would you know?" Camille asked,her voice breaking slightly "do you even want to talk to her or even know how  she's doing? Do you even want to talk to her at all!"

"No!" he snapped, making Camille flinched slightly. He's never snapped at her before, not ever. "I don't know how to talk to her or if I even want to talk to her at all!"

Tears suddenly well up in her eyes, chest tightening at his father's word.
He noticed how her breathing got slightly uneven and tears already leaving her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you —" his words was cut off when Camille walked out of the room and went to her own room slamming and locking the door behind her.

After getting ready, Andrew went to Camille's room, knocking softly.

"Camille sweetie..." his voice was so calming and soft, "please open the door" he continued, knocking softly again "Let's go uhm... visit her" he added, couldn't feel the urge to say 'your mom'. "Please, we'll talk later just —pleas come on out, I'm sorry for yelling at you I didn't mean to I was just mad,pleas open the door" he asked again.

"Come on,, I'll drive you to the hospital —" he opened the door and saw that she wasn't there anymore but some of her used things were all scattered on her bed, Meredith and Andrew's old photos,some of her baby photos and her birth control. He figured she brought it with her so she can well,what else for, to show it to Meredith.

Andrew immediately dialed Amelia's phone number and she thankfully immediately pick up.

"Dr, Shepherd speaking?"

"Is Camille there,at the hospital?" he asked immediately

"Andrew?....uh yes she is here" Amelia answered looking through the window of Meredith's room, watching her sister in law and neice talking and laughing.
"She arrived not so long ago,20 minutes maybe" she added, looking at the clock on the nurses lounge's counter.

"Okay thanks... I'll be there in 10 minutes" he said before hanging up

As Camille was showing her mom her baby pictures,birthday pictures and graduation pictures...a small tear left Meredith's eyes as she immediately wiped it off  which didn't come unnoticed by Camille when she handed her a box of tissues.

"Thanks" Meredith smiled gratefully.

"It's okay..." Camille again looked down on her lap, pictures still in her hand.

"Why isn't your dad with you?" Meredith wanted to know, somehow confused because he would usually just stand outside her room watching her talking to Camille.

"We uhm—kinda had a fight earlier this morning" a sad smile formed on her lips, feeling how Meredith took her hand into hers caressing it slightly.

"Is he mad that you talking to me?" Meredith wanted to know.

"No,no,not at all...he actually like me talking to you...I think" Camille stated, looking up at Meredith's who's still smiling at her.

"Can I keep this?" Meredith asked shyly, referring to the photo of Camille's first birthday with Andrew holding her in his embrace while the two of them were smiling brightly,cake icings all over their faces.

"You can keep as much as photo as you want" Camille said,as her smile grew wider.

A few moments later, someone walked in, closing the door behind them.


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