"I'll leave you two alone"

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"Nick...what are you doing here" Meredith looked at him blankly

"I just want to know how you're doing" Nick answered, nervously

"Uh... I'll give you two privacy" Camille was just about to stand up when Meredith pulled her back down

"Uh no, you don't have to Camille....Dr Marsh was just leaving..." she then looked over to Nick who was now looking at her defeatedly "Right, Dr Marsh?"

"Ye—yeah... right" he just nodded dumbly, knowing Meredith still needs to get her strength back and does not need stress right now, as Meredith looked back to Camille.

He walked out of the room but soon Andrew walked in with a bouquet of white tulips in his hands,his chest was pounding really hard he could hear his heart beating.

"Hi" Meredith turned around at the familiar voice,she saw Andrew standing by the door holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

"Hey..." she smiled slightly at him.

"I'll leave you two alone" Camille stood up, this time Meredith didn't drag her back down since she, herself had been wanting to talk to him as well.

"I uhm figured..." he walked towards her bed, putting down the flowers on the table next to her bed "tulips... your favourite" he sighs

"Thank you" she grunted as she tried to sit back up failing miserably but Andrew immediately helped her and fixed the pillow behind her "thanks"

"How are you feeling?" he wanted to know.

"Better...." she replied softly, noticing how he's trying to avoid her eyes "Uhm...Amelia said I could go home tomorrow she just has to keep me here for another 24 hours for observation" she added, looking down on her fingers, fidgeting with it.

"That's great uhm...good to hear that" he replied,sudden awkward silence fills the room.

"I'm sorry—"

"I'm sorry—"

They both said in union, meeting each other's eyes for the first time.

"You go first..." Andrew then said

"I'm sorry... Andrew,for hurting you" she said ever so softly, "for leaving and not fighting for us" she added "I want you to know that I regret doing that and that if I could go back and make everything right I would...I would do anything for you and Camille to forgive me" she added again,as tears now started leaving her eyes."And I want you to know I never stop loving you"

"Camille has a ventricular heart defect..." Andrew blurted out,as he let out a deep breath

"What?" Meredith asked, blankly

"Her first diagnosis was when she was 3 years old they were able to patch it but as she grew older the hole just got bigger and she was diagnosed again at the age of 15.." he explained, noticing the tears slowly leaving Meredith's eyes.

"Why didn't you call me?" she said softly "my sister is a cardiothoracic surgeon,I have a I cadiothoracic friend that owns a hospital in Switzerland we could have avoided this!"

"I was gonna call you but then I didn't because I was still hurt...I didn't even want to talk to you until our daughter talked to me!" he hissed, the sudden annoyance creeping inside him.

"Didn't her surgeon suggest open heart surgery?" Meredith asked calmly

"They did,the second time she was diagnosed, they said it was the best option at this point since the hole has become much bigger since she grew up" Andrew answered

"Then why didn't you do it?" Meredith wanted to know.

"It's not that easy to just decide and let them open our daughter's chest and sew her heart!" he snapped.

"You're a doctor yourself, you should know what's best for her!" she spat back

"I've already lost you,do you think I'd risk losing my daughter too!?" he asked her, "she was the only one that kept me going when you walked out of the house that day...she was the reason I'm alive right now,so I'm sorry Meredith for waiting too long to get our daughter's surgery because I was scared as hell to lose her!" he paused, trying to calm himself "I've barely survived when you left and I can't risk losing Camille too,I don't think I can" he reasoned. "I won't survive"

"I'll talk to Maggie and have her order Camille an MRI..." Meredith then stated,more calmly "I'm sorry, you had to raise Camille alone... I'm sorry I wasn't there when you were suffering I'm —"

"Hey... it's okay,now" he cutted her rambling by slightly and softly squeezing her hand, trying to offer her a smile "Carina helped me...I was pretty terrible at it changing her diaper at first but...I had Carina to teach me everything I needed to know" he added, offering her an encouraging smile "though I had to retake my boards but..." that words made Meredith's smile dropped "when Camille graduated grade school as their class valediction... it was worth it" he paused meeting her eyes, "I just wished you were there with us.."

"I'm sorry..." she repeated again, now completely breaking down in tears as Andrew hesitantly pulled her into his embrace, caressing her shoulder "I'm sorry..." she again repeated, clenching onto his leather jacket.

"It's okay....I forgive you...I have already forgiven you a long time ago,Mer, you have nothing to be sorry about... nothing anymore" he said, hoping it would somehow calm her since her stat are kinda high.

After a moment,she had calmed down and Andrew is again sitting on the stool, their hands still holding each other,as it seems like they never want to let go again.

"I was pregnant...and I lost it" she then told him after a moment of silence "after the uhm... incident" she added hesitantly.

"With Nick?" he asked

"Nathan's..." she answered shortly "it was a long story you probably don't even want to know" she then let out a small nervous chuckle.

"I'm seeing someone..." he then said,as Meredith's smile faded and immediately avoided his gaze "I'm assuming Camille already told you?"

"No,no she didn't..." she chuckled slightly,a tightness washed over her chest at his sentence "I'm happy for you, Andrew" she added.

"I'm happy for you too...and Nick" he gave back.

"Uh..." she let out a slight chuckle "actually Nick and I are actually not together anymore..." she added,a sad smile appeared on his lips "how long have you been seeing her?" she then asks, clearly interested "not long enough for your daughter not to even mention it to me?" she joked as Andrew sat on the stool where Camille used to sit which surprised Meredith when he took her hand into his.

"I ask her not to tell you because...I didn't want you to know..." he admitted

"You don't want me to know you're moving on, why?"

"Because Camille didn't like her for me" He chuckled making Meredith smile "well,she liked her the first month we were dating but then she told me to break up with her before our trip here in Seattle...I figured that's when she found out you live here" he added, meeting her eyes once again.But it feels like the first time every time.

"I've never loved another woman like I loved you,Mer" he stated,a flutter washer over Meredith's stomach hearing him call her 'Mer' again for the first time in 17 years "I tried to move on from you but it wasn't that easy,you were  part of my life and you... still are" he added his sentence hesitantly.

"What are you—?" she asked, confused at his sentence,her questions left her hanging.

"I'm saying...I want to make everything right and start again... with you"

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