~ Chapter 1 ~

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Douma knocked on the door as usual to escort his best friend and EX — Y/N to the school. He hated going to school alone. He hated doing anything alone. He was not even locking toilet door (LOL).

„HEY Y/N!"

„You know, school is not that far. I can walk. You are not going to get a new girlfriend if people will think that we are still together."

„Oh. But maybe you can change your mind."

„No, thanks."

„Well, it was worth a try." He shrugged, opening a car door.

„How are things going with Shinobu? Did you ask her out yet?"

„I did. She said I should choke on her shit and die."

„Maybe you should not have been a creep with his sister... and plenty of other girls."

„I think she has weird kinks."

„How optimistic of you. She is just kind of cunt."

„She can be mean, but she is still cute... like small, angry Chihuahua."

„Do not daydream when you are driving! I do not want to die because of her. She already harmed me enough with that dare."

„Then do not talk to me about her when I am driving! As if your company is not distracting enough."

„Fair enough."

They finally made it to the school and hurried in the classroom. Their first lesson was theatre studies with Hantengu, the teacher who was afraid of students because of all the pranks pulled on him.

As everyone took a seat, Hantengu turned around, sighing deeply before announcing that they had a new student. 𝘗̶𝘰̶𝘵̶𝘦̶𝘯̶𝘵̶𝘪̶𝘢̶𝘭̶ 𝘯̶𝘦̶𝘸̶ 𝘵̶𝘳̶𝘰̶𝘶̶𝘣̶𝘭̶𝘦̶ 𝘧̶𝘰̶𝘳̶ 𝘏̶𝘢̶𝘯̶𝘵̶𝘦̶𝘯̶𝘨̶𝘶̶.

„This is our new transfer student, Muzan Kibutsuji. I hope we will... you will get along! Say hi! Make sure to show him around during a break. Now, back to the lesson..."

„Your jaw, Y/N."

„Hm?" Y/N blushed, glancing at Douma.

„Your jaw is on the desk. Something tells me that you like him."

„Eh?! Ew, no." She quickly shook her head, knowing her loudmouth ex, whole school could know it if she told him, „I am just surprised he will study here. He is from a rich family, is not he? He is in a famous band too and does modeling as well."

„Maybe he had to change school because his fans found him and bothered him."

„Makes sense. They will not find him here easily, unless someone posts about it..."

Bell rang soon. Hantengu jumped because of a sudden noise, squeaking.

Students exited. Y/N looked around. Douma was bothering Shinobu again, maybe she could approach Muzan and offer showing him around later, without being noticed... she was a class rep after all, she could pass this as being supportive with the new students.

„Hello! I am Daki! I will show you around during break. Meet me near the main entrance, when it is time."

„Alright, thank you. Beautiful name, by the way. It suits you."

„Well, fuck." Y/N sighed, shaking her head and going to the next class. She would lie if she said she did not see it coming. Daki was an attention seeker, always searching spotlight, that was the reason why she wanted to become a class representative in the first place, but Y/N beat her to it. Looks like she could have a perfect revenge now. Though Y/N knew that Daki was not doing this for revenge, she had no idea Y/N liked the new student, actually Daki was not really mad at Y/N for defeating her, she knew that Shinobu was the one behind it.

* * *

„You look down today. Here, have this!" Kyojuro said with his usual goofy smile, giving Y/N bunch of homemade snacks. They were sitting together during a lunch break, with two other students. Technically, Y/N found an empty table to sit alone and brood, but other students sat down around her.

„Thanks, I do not think I can fit this much stuff in my stomach." Y/N shook her head.

„Can I have what you do not want, then?" Mitsuri asked shyly.

„Sure." Y/N said, sliding a bit of everything towards Mitsuri, trying to avoid staring at her chest.

„Thank you!" Mitsuri said, reaching for food. Both of them blushed a little when their hands accidentally touched.

That made Iguro's resting bitch face worse, he was sitting with them quietly, he joined the group after noticing that Mitsuri sat there. He was in the art club with Y/N, Kanae, Gyokko, Giyu and Hotaru, so he pretended he wanted to ask Y/N something, to not appear too clingy.

„There is enough food for everyone." Rengoku commented, handing Mitsuri some more food.

Y/N felt better after having some snacks and interacting with Mitsuri, at least until break would end and they would head for the next class, to find Daki and Muzan sitting together and chatting enthusiastically.

„Meh." Y/N sat down where she could not see them.

„Hey, that is my seat."

„Does it have your name on it, Sanemi?"

„It sure does. I just wrote it. And now your butt has it too."

„No way!" Y/N quickly stood up to check, frowning and sitting back down because she was fooled.

„Ow!" Sanemi yelped, he quickly sat down when she stood up, so now she was on his lap.

„Oh, yikes!" Y/N yelped, quickly getting off Sanemi's lap and sitting next to him, facepalming, „You suck, Shinazugawa."

„How was I supposed to know, you would not notice that I sat down there? Maybe you did..."

„The audacity... I do not see any people, volunteering to sit on your lap."

„Is he bothering you?" Akaza asked from the seat behind them.

„Thanks, I am good." Y/N shook her head.

„What if I am?" Sanemi smirked, happy to find a reason to fight.

„Silence!" Sakonji shushed them.

„I will deal with you later." Akaza mumbled.

„What a pain." Y/N sighed. Great continuation of a great day...

Things got even worse later, because Sakonji gave them enough homework for passing to their next nine generations.

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