~ Chapter 37 ~

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„I knew she was dating both of them!" Tengen's loud exclamation forced them to stop kissing and look away.

„Oh, lunch break is over already?" Enmu blinked.

They could see bunch of shocked students, peeking inside. Uzui, being one of the tallest, easily spotted them, despite standing further from the others.

„That explains why he was being so mean to me!" Suma whined. „He wanted Y/N all for himself. How stingy!"

„Mine!" Enmu hissed defensively, hugging Y/N.

„Sharing is caring, you know!"

„I do not care."

„Wait, what happened to his gayness?" Mitsuri blinked confusedly.

„Looks like he was faking it, in order to attend parties for girls..." Shinobu narrowed her eyes, „My, my! What a nice taste you got in men, Y/N! First Douma, now this... then again, you are not any less of a pervert either; Inviting him in your sleeping bag... apparently, not only because you felt bad for him, but also because you found him attractive..."

„Was it really me, who was faking it? Or was it all of you, spreading rumors about me, even after I tried to make it stop by asking an old friend to date me for a week or two? Perhaps you forgot, how many times I told you that I am not gay, before I was persuaded to attend that gathering?" Enmu frowned, „Leave Y/N out of this, blame those two, for soaking those sleeping bags."

„You are just bitter because I made you meet Douma..." Y/N crossed her arms.

„I am right here, just so you two know..." Douma shook his head.

„Unfortunately." Shinobu rolled her eyes, „I should probably burn that sleeping bag... Who knows what kind of unholy things happened there..."

„Umm... nothing. Of course nothing at all." Y/N mumbled, blushing.

„Yeah... nothing." Enmu nodded. He still could not believe that Y/N actually liked him back... so, his first kiss was not completely staged, after all.

„Did not I say, they acted very suspicious around each other?" Kanae giggled.

„What a damn pervert!" Iguro hissed, „Pretending to be gay to watch girls change!"

„He did what?!" Akaza questioned menacingly.

„He was not looking!" Y/N shook her head.

„You would not know that, unless you watched him change..." Shinobu raised her brow.

„I watched his face only... just in case."

„Why do I find it hardly believable?"

„Just my face? Aw, you missed out on my butt... oh well, I was wearing boxers, anyway..."

„Looking or not, this is still unacceptable." Kyojuro shook his head.

„Exactly when did I beg for your acceptance?" Enmu mumbled, raising his brow, „I merely took the opportunity to try asking Y/N some question, that was all. You are all being overdramatic about it."

„You probably lurked around, sniffing their clothes... weirdo." Sanemi remarked.

„I doubt that," Shinobu shook her head, „As much as he is a disgusting pervert, I cannot deny that he kept refusing to come, until he heard that Y/N would be there too."

„Slutface is with class rep... Are you kidding me?!" Gyutaro groaned. „I should have guessed, I suppose... she was always protecting him like a broody hen protects its chick."

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