~ Chapter 9 ~

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Enmu peeked through every door until he could finally spot who he was looking for. Mukago sat alone in one of the empty classrooms, sorting everything in her bag because lesson would start in nine minutes.


„Uh... Hello!" She blinked, glancing at Enmu.

Weird. Why did not he walk away after seeing that classroom was not empty? Not even after greeting her... usually they walked away right after exchanging greetings, when they met, unless she initiated conversation awkwardly, when she needed his help.

Now he was walking towards her, strange.

„You do not have a boyfriend, do you?"

„Huh? Are you making fun of me? You are alone as well!" She yelped defensively.

„No, I was just making sure before asking you out."

„Not funny."

„I am dead serious."

„Are you high?"

„No. Will you go out with me, or n..."

„Sorry, you are not my type."

„Only for two weeks and then you can dump me."

„What do you mean by dating me for two weeks?! Jerk!" Her cheeks tinted pink, but it was because of embarrassment and anger. „What made you think that you can ignore people for years and then randomly ask them out, anyway? You are a fucking weirdo!"

„I thought you were alright with approaching old friends when you need help... apparently I am not allowed to do same, eh? I will remind you of this interesting rule, when you will run to me for help, again."

„Fuck you! I will manage without your help, somehow. I will ask someone else, just like I did before you would be transferred here." Mukago hissed. „Why are you trying to manipulate me into dating you, anyway? Are not you into guys? Are you trying to make Muzan jealous, or what?"

„I am not into guys. I am not trying to manipulate you into dating me either. It will not be a real date. I just need you to pretend to be my girlfriend in public, for like, two weeks."

„Are you sure you are not into guys? Because that is something closeted gay would say."

„What makes you think that I am into guys?!" Enmu frowned. Great. His own parent, his closest friend, the girl he almost grew up with... no one knew him at all.

„I dunno. Could be clinging to Muzan harder than his fangirls do? Stalking him from one school to another? Never being seen hitting on a girl? Literally asking me to pretend to be your girlfriend in public?"

„When you say it like that, it kind of makes sense. But it is still nothing but stupid rumors."

„Why do you need this, anyway? Since when do you care about rumors? People called you gay all the time."

„Since my friend stopped talking to me because of those stupid rumors. I need to prove to her that I am not gay!"

„Why will not you ask her out, then?"

„Huh?! She does not see me that way... What is the point of proving rumors wrong, just to ruin our friendship another way?!"

„Why cannot you just tell her that those rumors are not true?"

„I cannot just approach her and tell her that if she is ignoring me because of rumors, they are not true... She will think that I am lying for her approval. That is, if she shall be willing to listen at all, she is doing her best to avoid me, pretending to be busy, not admitting the real reason."

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