~ Chapter 8 ~

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Once Y/N got home, she lay on her back, blankly staring at the ceiling.

Maybe she should have at least asked him, if rumors were true...

Y/N sighed, shaking her head. That would sound pretty rude... in the worst case, he would guess why she was being so nosy.

She was so desperate, trying to deny obvious truth to escape pain. Lying to herself would only grow her suffering. So would hearing it directly from him...

He was transferred soon after Muzan and he was always all over the celebrity, waving and smiling whenever they came across, showing more enthusiasm than majority of his fangirls. Hell, he was doing all of Muzan's homework and even his crush's homework too, if Muzan asked. He simply could not say no to anything, that guy would demand. There was also that cursed photo session, he was so eager for...

Days passed. Enmu was not making it easy for Y/N to ignore him, at all. He kept approaching her and trying to start a conversation. She continued to see him everywhere she went.

Y/N frowned as she watched Enmu, entering art club. He appeared to join every single club she was in. What the fuck? Was it coincidence? Was he stalking her? Why? Maybe he decided to join every club to make more friends. That must have been it.

It was not.

„Good morning, Y/N!"


„You have been insanely busy lately, huh? What were you doing? If you need help with anyt..."

„Sorry, I need to concentrate on this piece right now. Let us talk later. I cannot work properly while talking."

Enmu doubtfully raised his eyebrow.

What did she mean she could not work while talking? She was chatting with Gyokko when he came. Now she suddenly needed to focus...

„Fine then... will you come to library today?"

„I will see, if I can find time... Probably not. Why?"

Enmu shrugged.

„Tell me when you will be free." He mumbled, sitting down to work on his own project or make random stuff.

Damn. He was so beautiful... so gentle... what kind of idiot would choose some mean bitch over him? She would not make same mistake, if only she were Mu... the fuck she was thinking about? She had to forget him. Y/N tried to focus on her art, she could feel his intense gaze on her sometimes, as he worked with wool.

„Oh hey, whatcha felting there?" Gyokko questioned, trying to take a better look.

„A train." Enmu replied quickly, covering tiny figure with his hand.

„Why are you hiding it?"

„Because it is not finished." He glared at Gyokko. How intrusive.

„Whatever. I think your train has a nice hair." Gyokko snickered, making him blush.

„Hmm." Y/N mumbled to herself. Weird... was he making his crush? Then why did he keep glancing at her? Maybe he was mad at her and decided to make a tiny figure of Y/N, tied up in front of a train. Perhaps it was just a weird train figure with a hair, that is why he felt embarrassed... none of it mattered, anyway.

It was pretty rough week for Enmu and Y/N hated herself for being a part of it. Apparently, Daki whined with his older brother about her love rival: Gyutaro began calling him names whenever he would spot Enmu. Soon enough, all of the bored students discussed Enmu's orientation, some of them more loudly than others. Gyutaro was happy, he pleased his cherished little sister, it was specifically enjoyable because he adored harassing people who were lucky enough to be born with a cute face, unlike him.

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