~ Chapter 21 ~

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Y/N put on her weirdest clothes, if she had to go on a blind date later today, she needed to make sure he would not bother her too long. For extra effect, she moved her books and other things into another, coffin shaped backpack. She ordered it few years ago, but it was like new, because Y/N did not use it that often. It tend to catch too much attention and she hated the spotlight.

Her coffin backpack stored more than just regular school things, however. This time Y/N was more prepared for revenge. She left her house with a sinister chuckle, unhurriedly walking towards school.

Y/N arrived pretty early, yawning as she entered almost empty classroom. She woke up too early to get ready for everything and now all she wanted was putting her head on the desk and sleeping. Perhaps, if she did not spend half of the night plotting revenge, she would get to sleep properly.

Y/N groaned, opening her eyes as she felt someone poking her shoulder.


She stared back at Enmu, blinking.

„Lesson will start soon."

„Cool. Wake me up when it will." Y/N yawned, closing her eyes again.

„Teacher is going to be pissed." Enmu shook his head.

„Tell me something I do not know." She whined.

„Slowest express train in the world can be found in Switzerland."

„Mmmm tell me more about it." Y/N mumbled, this should have stopped him from waking her up again before lesson would start. His voice made her even sleepier. She yawned, tiredly resting her head on his shoulder while he whispered train facts in her ear. Kinky. Y/N widely opened her eyes. Oh no. It would be no good if Kanae spotted them like this... she was suspecting something about her feelings. „Alright, alright! I am awake."

Enmu pouted. His nineteenth train fact was interrupted midway.

Damn it. Why was he so cute when he ranted so enthusiastically? Y/N sighed deeply, resisting the urge to lean against him again, though she was not sleepy anymore. Strange. She thought he was going to start avoiding her after that night, but here he was now, making sure she would not get scolded by the teacher.

Lesson started. Enmu seemed unusually fidgety, leaning over his notes like a broody hen on its eggs.

Y/N frowned. How stupid. Did he see her checking people's homework and assumed she would copy his notes? Hopefully he could not hear what they talked about... It was kind of annoying how he did other people's homework, including his bullies, but he had to hide stuff from Y/N... She shrugged it off. They were rivals after all, no wonder he was getting competitive. Y/N was the only student who had better grades than him.

Later, when everyone left to eat lunch, Y/N approached lockers, looking around carefully before pulling out a syringe from her coffin backpack. It was filled with vinegar and a mix of crushed garlic and onion juices. She found Susamaru's locker, sliding the needle through the narrow space between the door and the frame and spraying her spare clothes.

If they wanted stench, they would be getting it. Clothes would probably get dry soon, leaving her wondering if she failed to wash off sweat properly after playing. Showering would be rather pointless today.

Y/N smirked, throwing empty syringe into a trash can and heading for cafeteria. Not without thoughtful preparation, of course.

She slid her hand in her backpack, checking if her sugar packet was still there. Her packet had secret ingredient added, however: Powder of two crushed laxative pills. Y/N made sure to sit somewhere she would be easily noticeable for Daki, knowing her tendency to snatch food from her victims. She quickly sipped her chocolate milk, narrowing her eyes for a moment before letting out a fake sigh.

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