~ Chapter 33 ~

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„What is he doing here?" Muzan facepalmed, seeing Y/N walking towards car with Enmu.

„I am coming too!" Enmu announced.

„No, you are not."

„Why not?! I was following you and Rei all the time!" Enmu protested.

„Yes, because you were not acting so ridiculously back then, you were leaving when I asked and you were not clinging to Rei like an orphaned fruit bat..." Muzan frowned. He did not care to hide Enmu's feelings from Y/N. Surely no one would look at some fanboy next to the star.

Y/N furrowed her brows. Was his egocentric ass imagining that Enmu worshipped someone other than him? How stupid. Was he jealous, maybe? Of whom?

„Really? He is overworking himself because of you and you cannot even do as little as bringing him along and allowing him to relax a bit? Movie theater is full of people anyway, will it hurt to have him around, as well? I offered him to come, so I would be able to keep an eye on him and make sure he would not exhaust himself enough to get sick. I guess date is cancelled, then... I will stay with him and come up with some other plan to help him relax."

„Hm..." Muzan narrowed his eyes for a moment, „Fine, he can come. But he will have to sit next to my driver."

Everyone got in Muzan's small, red sports car, that could not fit more than four people, including driver (unless someone would be stuffed in the trunk).

„Fucking show off; who goes to school with a vehicle, that could easily pass as a racing car..." Y/N quietly mumbled to herself.

„New girlfriend again, huh?! Before I can even memorize their names, they change." Driver whined.

Enmu stayed silent. Part of him did not want Y/N to be treated like that... but the second part absolutely hated seeing her with another guy.

„Shut up and drive, Yahaba, that is why you get paid for. I have not asked for your opinion about my personal life."

„As ruthless as always." Yahaba chuckled, starting the car.

„You know, it is not safe to sit like that." Y/N commented.

Enmu was kneeling on the front seat, hugging the headrest so he would not fall. He stared at other passengers almost unblinkingly, making sure that nothing funny was going on back there.

Alright, it is not creepy at all...

„I will be fine." He smiled at her fondly. „Do not worry about me."

„This car is too fast." Y/N shook her head, „You better fasten your seatbelts."

„Should I drive more slowly?" Yahaba questioned.

„Yes, please. I do not mind speed, but I do not want this idiot to break his neck." Y/N sighed.

„We have a problem." Yahaba spoke again after a few minutes.

„Ugh... not the traffic jam." Muzan groaned, „Turn the car and find another way. We can still make it if you will drive fast."

„I cannot; There are cars behind us too." Yahaba pointed at the mirror, „We are stuck for good."

„You have to be kidding me... honk as violently as possible! Make them move! I do not intend to get stuck here like some peasant..."

„It cannot be helped; snobbism will not clear the road." Y/N commented.

„We are pretty close to subway. Let us leave the car and ride a train to the less crowded area, then call a cab or something." Enmu suggested.

„Ride a train? Are you serious? What if someone recognizes me?" Muzan grumbled, getting out of car anyway, trying to cover his face with his hair and hoodie.

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