~ Chapter 20 ~

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Y/N was more wary of her surroundings next day. She had homework to deal with, so she could not come up with revenge plans yet. That could wait, revenge is a dish best served cold, after all. Y/N needed to calculate everything thoughtfully and unleash her wrath without being evidently involved in it. She brought spare clothes though, putting them in her locker and raising her brow, as she noticed the letter falling out after opening the door.

„The fuck?" She blinked, staring at what she expected to be Daki's threatening letter, full of insults.

Shattered and scattered
myriad shards of my glass heart
Fragmented by you

Ever devoted
preserving your reflection
Till the end of time

To Y/N

From somebody who longs for you, foolishly and hopelessly.

Finding haiku definitely was not something she expected. Handwriting looked somewhat familiar, but Y/N could not tell where she had seen it before. She scowled, crumbling the paper and throwing it in a garbage bin.

„Secret admirer, my ass. Right after I pissed off Daki. She probably thinks I am dumb enough to believe this and curious enough to meet that secret admirer. They will probably give me address later to lure me in another trap. Nice try, bimbo. I wonder who helped that dimwit write such a beautiful poem. Her and her dumbass brother definitely would not be capable of coming up with half of these words. Hmph... imagine wasting your talent on serving that cunt. Pathetic." She mumbled to herself, locking her locker and walking away.

Somewhere, from the shadows, quivering voice whispered:

„I shall write better one next time, then. The one that will be worth keeping. May it stay by your side, if I cannot."

* * *

„Hey, Y/N!" Shinobu waved enthusiastically from her table during a lunch break, „Come here, sit with us!"

She was sitting with her sister and Mitsuri. There was one free seat left.

Y/N quietly approached them, putting her food tray down and trying to not glance at Mitsuri's chest, who was sitting across the table.

„What can I say, your performance was brilliant earlier." Shinobu laughed, covering her mouth.

„I have got the feeling that it was merely an intro." Y/N murmured.

„Even better!" Younger sister clapped.

„It is not better at all!" Kanae sighed, „Why do people consider fighting as an amusing activity?"

„Because it is." Shinobu replied, „Y/N, are you free tomorrow, after school?"

„Huh? Why?"

„Let us just say... We are planning a small gathering."

„How small is that that gathering?" Y/N questioned doubtfully. She had no intention of coming face to face with any of Daki's nauseating friends. „What is it about? We already gathered recently."

„Really really small, some of us might not even show up..." Mitsuri stuttered before crying out loudly, „Ow! Did you have to pinch my arm that hard?!"

Shinobu facepalmed.

„You all are acting suspicious as fuck. What the hell is going on?!" Y/N narrowed her eyes.

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