~ Chapter 17 ~

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Night at Kocho's place: Part 3

(Final part. As in, end of the night, not whole fanfic)

Lime warning, but not quite.

Y/N woke up early in the morning, it was still dark outside. She has not tried to go back to sleep, fearing the possibility of continuing her nightmare. Her fear was confirmed when she glanced at Enmu. Large, blue eyes stared back at her. He knew that she was awake. What was she supposed to do? Pretend to go back to sleep? She would really fall asleep, if she did that, her eyelids felt heavy. Head for the bathroom? She felt too lazy to stand up right now and too dizzy to come up with good lies and excuses.

„I am sorry." She mumbled, admiring his pale face, illuminated by faint moonlight that reached them through the window, until moon disappeared behind dark clouds, depriving surroundings of light.

„For what?" He questioned quietly.

For everything, she thought, only to reply with:

„I woke you up, did not I?"

„No, I have hard time sleeping, thanks to Mitsuri."

„Ah." Y/N could feel faint scent of alcohol as he talked, Looks like she was not the only one who tasted it. She knew it was not wise, getting drunk around people, including her crushes, risking showing her vulnerable side and embarrassing herself, but she drank anyway.

„I am surprised how do others sleep at all, in this noise, especially Shinobu, she is right next to her."

„I guess being drunk and tired does the trick, for most of the people." Y/N shrugged, warily looking at him, afraid that he would ask awkward stuff again.

„You seem tensed. Did you have a nightmare?"


„And Shinobu thought it was a good idea to watch gore before sleep. It should have been a railway documentary."

„Maybe. But my nightmare was about Mitsuri, eating both of the pizzas alone."

„Ah. You must be terrified. You poor thing... you look awfully tensed. Need a massage?"

„What?" She mumbled, blushing.

„Want me to rub your back? And shoulders?" He cooed, gazing at her affectionately.

„I... uh... sure." She stuttered.

„Lie on your stomach, Y/N."

„Uhhh... wh..."

„Just do it."

Y/N obeyed, blushing even more as she felt him getting on top of her. She could hear him breath steadily close to her right ear, as his right elbow rested near her shoulder. His left hand gently stroked her back through her fluffy onesie.

„Someone is going to see us," She started nervously, „And they are going to get weird ideas..."

„No one can see us." He answered with a quiet purr, almost invitingly...

Y/N shivered, perhaps because of the way his warm breath caressed her ear and neck, or maybe it was his gentle touches, giving her chills.

His hand continued to stroke her back, occasionally rubbing her shoulders. Their bodies were tightly pressed against each other below their waists, narrow sleeping bag was not meant to give two people too much extra space.

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