~ Chapter 19 ~

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Y/N headed for toilet, turning on the faucet to cool her face with a cold water. She sighed, leaning against the wall and trying to calm down. She really needed to control her temper.

She heard footsteps but she did not really pay attention, until she heard Daki's cheerful voice.

„Caught you! Did you think you could embarrass me in front of everyone and get away with it? Now people will have another thing to discuss."

„I do not know what are you planning, but even if you will success, people will remember why did it happen, anyway. They will not forget your humiliation."

„They can remember it and memorize what happens to those morons who dare to disrespect me."

„Bullshit. First of all, you are the moron between us. Besides, those who cannot stand up for themselves are not treated any better by you. Why will not you stop victimizing yourself whenever your bullying goes wrong and just accept the obvious fact that you are a trash?"

„You talk too much. Today's lesson will teach you, when it is the right time to shut up." Daki commented before asking her friends to keep the door closed until she would return. „I will come back soon!"

Her footsteps faded.

„Open the door, this instant! Daki is not the only one, capable of terrorizing you, you know? Think of all the things I will do to you, one by one, if you will not release me right now!" Y/N whined, kicking the door, but she could not open it, at least four of Daki's friends were holding it closed. „Once I will find out who you are, I will hunt you down one by one, I swear! I will fucking ruin you!"

„You are too loud for someone, trapped in a toilet cabin." Voice chuckled. It sounded like Susamaru, sporty girl of the class, but Y/N was not certain.

„Open the fucking door or I am shitting in my damn hand and throwing it over the door, I swear!"

„She does not mean it, does she?" One of the mysterious voices asked doubtfully. Was it Rui's older sister? Y/N was uncertain.

„Fuck around and find out." It was definitely Nakime's barely audible mumbling.

„We should have brought umbrella." This voice sounded like Ubume, Y/N knew absolutely nothing about her, except the fact that she the fakest bitch in school.

Footsteps were heard again and Daki hummed joyously.

„Miss me?"

„What took you so long?" Susamaru whined.

„What is in that jar?" Ubume asked.

„Kusaya. Got it from the restaurant. Wasted money on this and taxi because of this bitch."

„Who the fuck asked you to deliver food?!" Y/N protested.

„You asked for it, for sure." Daki headed for the free toilet cabin, filling her jar with water and shaking it, before standing on the sink and splashing stinking kusaya juice in the cabin where Y/N was locked.

Y/N stood quietly as unbelievably stinky liquid soaked her, her fists clenched, already fantasizing about her brutal revenge.

„Aw, careful! My shoes are soaked!" Rui's sister cried out.

„Get over it." Daki rolled her eyes, she already walked towards the exit, „Ew, you stink, Y/N. You stink in every damn way. I can smell you from here. Gross. Do not sit close to me in class... if you dare to leave toilet until all the lessons are over. This is what happens to the ugly little failures who try to get in my way."

„Let us go." Ubume whispered and everyone hurried towards exit, laughing.

„Fuck this." Stench was so unbearable in that cabin, that Y/N moved to another, sitting down on the toilet and thinking what to do. Even if she could somehow reach shower stalls without being spotted (which would be hard, considering that she reeked so badly, patients with anosmia would smell her from miles), she had not any spare clothes with her to change into.


Y/N narrowed her eyes.

„Are you still here, Y/N?"

„Fuck off, Nakime. What, that cunt forgot to add ingredients to my fragrance?"

„Easy. I just want to help."

„Sure. You already helped me enough."

„You know what Daki is like. If I did not, I would share same fate." Nakime sighed.

„Why should I trust you?" Y/N narrowed her eyes. What kind of trap were they setting up, this time?

„I brought you clean clothes. I always have spare stuff in my locker, in case some clumsy idiot spills soup on me again, or something. I have never worn these before, so Daki will not know who helped." Nakime placed stuff on the floor before walking away.

„Hmph... coward." Y/N whined, washing her hands before dragging clothes in her cabin and locking door.

Since she was already soaked with stinky liquid and could not get any wetter, she shrugged, undressing and washing her hair with a liquid soap in the sink, before cleaning rest of her body. She had to repeat it thrice, to get rid of that horrible stench. Finally, she dried herself with a clean towel Nakime brought and put on dry clothes. Now she had to clean her own shoes and dry them with a towel before placing toilet paper in them and putting them on, because they were still moist and bothersome to wear. Fortunately, stinky liquid could not get inside her leather bag: It was the last thing she cleaned before leaving cabin.

She finally left toilet, checking time. Lesson was probably almost over anyway, so she headed out to buy a fragrance nearby, just in case there was still a faint smell left on her somewhere. Y/N returned soon, confidently walking in the classroom to attend the next lesson.

Daki doubtfully narrowed her eyes, sniffing air with furious confusion. Y/N walked past her desk, winking at Muzan as she did so. Teacher was already there, so Daki could not say a word. If the bimbo wanted a war, she was going to get it. And not just her.

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