~ Chapter 4 ~

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Y/N tried to not overdo getting dressed next day, but she still ended up wearing stuff Makio chose for her and styling her hair differently, causing some of the kids to stare and whisper. Daki glanced at her, narrowing her eyes as Y/N passed by, she was not a fan of sharing her spotlight with others.

Y/N finally noticed available seat next to Enmu, but it only lasted for seconds, before Obanai landed there with a deep sigh. Y/N frowned, sitting behind them next to Kanae.

Glancing at the window, Y/N got some idea and leaned over the desk quietly, tapping on Iguro's back.

Iguro wordlessly glared at her over his shoulder.

Y/N quickly stuffed a note in his hand.

„Hello, can we exchange seats, please? I am allergic to somebody's fragrance."

Iguro did not feel like budging, so he quickly wrote a note and passed it back to her.

„Why will not you ask someone else?"

Y/N inhaled deeply for gathering patience to hand him next note instead of throwing it at him.

„Because your seat is closest to the window. Come on, I will owe you one homework, if you will help me now."

Iguro thoughtfully scratched his chin. Y/N knew him well, she realized he would not do anything for free. Unless it was Mitsuri, asking him. He hesitantly stood up and exchanged seat with Y/N.

„Oh! Hey, Y/N!" Enmu blinked, surprised.


„What just happened?"

„Ah..." Y/N could not quite admit stalking him, so she lowered her voice, „Um... pretty sure Kanae wants to talk to Iguro, but she is too shy so I helped her a bit..."

„I see... you are so kind, Y/N. Helping everyone."

„It is just my duty as a class representative..." Y/N shrugged.

„You are so responsible!" He exclaimed.

„Oh, hush!" Y/N blushed because her crush kept complimenting her, nearly squealing with amazement as he continued to give her undeserved praise. He looked rather cute doing it, nearly fanboying over her. And he smelled so nice. His refined movements when he was moving his long, stylish hair out of his face, seemed almost unearthly.

Y/N would have to repay Iguro for exchanging seat with her, but she was not regretting it at all. Too bad she would not be able to repeat same trick twice without making it weird.

She kept glancing at Enmu till he caught her stare, then she looked other way, blushing.

„Are you even listening?" Teacher questioned, approaching them.

„Oh! Of course!" Y/N nodded, startled. She was too busy daydreaming about Enmu's closeness to remember why were they here in the first place.

„Is that so? What was I talking about?"

„Um... you were... explaining things." Y/N whimpered, hearing Iguro chuckle behind her.

„More specifically?" Teacher asked.

„Sorry, I need to use bathroom..." Y/N stood up, embarrassed.

„What about you? Can you tell me what I was talking about?" Teacher turned to Enmu.

„You were discussing famous writer's book and original word meanings that were diminished with translation."

„That is correct. And what were those meanings?"

Closeted Straight - KNY High School AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora