~ Chapter 7 ~

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Y/N left Tamayo's office, checking her bag to see if she picked everything from the floor, before going to the lesson. She did not intend to miss another one.

She found two free seats available and took one of them. Unfortunately, she was sitting right behind Muzan. Y/N glared at his back hatefully. This guy kept being a reason of her disappointment. First, she was too slow to approach him, now she figured out that her crush was into him...

„Hey, Y/N! Are you alright? I could not see you in the classroom. Did you miss the lesson?" Enmu asked, sitting next to her.

Oh, hell no.

Not when he was the least person she wanted to sit with. Ironic. Few hours ago, she could only dream about sitting next to him again...

„I am fine." She mumbled. Why was he looking for her, anyway? Not that he would need her help with the homework. Y/N did not want to be rude to him, she was not sure if he used her for any bad intentions. Maybe he just needed a friend. In that case, it would be a dick move to hurt his feelings just because she stupidly hoped for more than just friendship. She knew that being around him would hurt too much, though. Maybe she would slowly increase the distance between them and eventually either get over her feelings, or ghost him after he would make more friends, so he would not feel too lonely and sad.

Not that she was obliged to hang out with lonely kids... in that case she would have to handcuff herself to Giyu. Why did she even care? Was it because he looked so delicate, sensitive and breakable? Why was she feeling the urge to protect him?

„You do not look fine."

„Sorry, not everyone can be a model." Y/N hissed spitefully, glaring at Muzan's back again.

„Huh? You look upset, is what I meant... you are beautiful." Enmu mumbled, blushing.

„Shh. Teacher is going to be pissed." Y/N frowned. The urge to lie about wanting to use bathroom and get the hell out of here, was nearly irresistible. What a torture. Sitting next to someone you crave and can never have... she did not want to hear his compliments. He would never see her the way she saw him, anyway.

Shit. Just get him out of your head, already! He is just a friend. Just a friend. Get over it.

Y/N focused on studying to stop herself from crying. Maybe she should have joined Gyomei outside, in his weeping emo corner.

As soon an lesson ended, she stood up, fleeing the classroom like a wild animal, freed from a trap. She needed some time alone to calm down.

During lunch time, she chose the table where only one seat was free, so Enmu would not get a chance to sit next to her again. She needed to calm down today, she would try to get her shit together and act nice tomorrow...

Hell, she did not even care that she sat down with the group of nastiest bullies.

„Oh, look who is here." Sanemi smirked. „What a honor. Bow your heads, guys. It is the class rep."

„I was just discussing some issue, class rep." Gyutaro turned his head to her, „How come some students get three girlfriends, while others get none? Is not it your duty to do something about it?"


„Uh? What uh? You are fucking useless. My sister would be so much better class representative than you. You got in her way for nothing."

„People's personal lives have nothing to do with my duties."

„Just admit you are irresponsible."

„What am I expected to do? Initiate forbidding any display of affection in school? Fine. But your sister would not be very happy with that, do not you think so?" Y/N glanced at Daki, sitting across the room, smiling from ear to ear and ranting with Muzan, who looked rather exhausted.

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