~ Chapter 35 ~

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„Your parents... they did not overreact too much, did they?" Y/N asked, concerned.

„Kind of... I am not allowed to go anywhere, except for school, from yesterday, till the end of the next month." He shrugged.

„That is not fair at all! I will come and talk to them."

„It is alright, really."

„There is something I need to say..." Muzan muttered, putting fork on his empty plate.

„Hm?" Y/N glanced at him.

„I am leaving."

„You are... what?" Enmu blinked.

„I am moving to another school. Far away."

„Did reporters find you again? How?"

„No, that is not it."

„Then what? Were you blackmailed too?"

„No. I received important offer from very prestigious foreign fashion agency, which could be extremely significant for my future career as a model. I will have to change school again though and study somewhere close to them."

„Are you sure it is not Daki's prank?"

„Of course it is not! My agent checked it... not that it was something unbelievable... they should have contacted me even sooner." Muzan scowled. „Are you questioning my beauty?!"

„No, I did not mean it that way..." Enmu mumbled. Was he going to leave Y/N just like that? As well as his band members. Should he have been mad at him, or happy? Perhaps afraid that she might have followed? Could he tag along with them as well? Or would he not be needed anymore, because Muzan could ask for Y/N's help instead? Would he tag along without anyone needing him, like a total creep? If his parents would allow it, at all...

„You are leaving, huh?" Y/N mumbled, staring at her plate somberly. She fought so hard to keep Enmu around... apparently, it was all in vain. Muzan was leaving and he would follow him too. Perhaps it was better this way. She would have a better chance of getting over him, without seeing his cute face all the time.

„I am happy for you, I guess." Gyokko sighed. He sat with them at the table, again. „I will text you sometimes."

Well, not like they could ever be a thing, anyway...

„I will miss you." Enmu sniffled. He was not lying. He would certainly not miss seeing his friend with his crush, though.

„You are not coming?" Muzan raised his brow. Well, it was not completely unexpected, after all... looks like Enmu liked Y/N even more than he thought.

„He will probably follow you later, when he will not be grounded, anymore." Y/N shrugged coldly. „Since you are so inseparable..."

„No, I am staying here, until I graduate." Enmu shook his head. Was Y/N envious of him, because he got to spend more time with her boyfriend?

„What?!" Y/N blinked. Did he finally gave up on chasing Muzan? Why? Did he fall for Gyokko, or what? Surely he was not staying to annoy Daki with his presence: She would get more mad, if he followed Muzan while she would stay here.

„I am staying. I am tired of changing schools... I... I like this school."

Y/N raised her brow, looking at him like he was crazy.

„If you like this shithole, I do not want to imagine, what kind of students you met at your previous schools." She shook her head.

Maybe he is masochistic.

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