~ Chapter 24 ~

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Enmu walked in the classroom five minutes late, apologizing and saying that he had to use a restroom.

Y/N frowned. She planned to suggest Gyokko giving Enmu's homework to her, so she would return it to Enmu, whenever she would spot him. Now all she could do would be following Gyokko around and trying to take a peek, when he would hand Enmu's homework to its owner.

So she did.

Enmu quickly snatched away his homework, roughly stuffing it in his backpack and apologizing to confused Gyokko for it, saying that he was in hurry. Y/N scowled. She could not observe it in such a short time. It kind of resembled the handwriting from the letter, but she was not certain, she was already starting to forget how that handwriting looked exactly. She should not have thrown away the letter. That was alright. They would definitely send another one, since they planned to lure her.

Y/N left to check her locker. If letter would be there, she could narrow down the suspects by remembering everyone who was missing from the lesson.

She could not find anything. However; Next letter appeared after another lesson. Y/N was puzzled. Everyone was present during that lesson. Daki, Gyutaro, Daki's friends and anyone who could be manipulated by her... looks like mysterious person was more clever than Y/N expected. They probably used junior students for delivering letters, so they would have an alibi. Rui's sister could ask her little brother to do it. Y/N was not sure, if she was the one who wrote the letter, or they used another person...

At least now she had the letter to compare it to any handwritings she could get her hands on. Y/N glanced at the second haiku, frowning.

With you in my dream
I forsake awakening
Dwell in the dreamland

feeling no remorse
deserting reality
for your sweet embrace

It was clearly written by the same person, however handwriting looked completely different. It was like this time author was instructing someone what to write. Fuck. It was hard to catch someone so careful. Just how many people were involved in this shit? Way to give someone an intense paranoia.

* * *

Song for the mood: Boyfriend by Dove Cameron 𝘉̶𝘦̶𝘤̶𝘢̶𝘶̶𝘴̶𝘦̶ 𝘜̶𝘻̶𝘶̶𝘪̶ 𝘢̶𝘯̶𝘥̶ 𝘐̶𝘨̶𝘶̶𝘳̶𝘰̶ 𝘳̶𝘦̶𝘢̶𝘭̶𝘭̶𝘺̶ 𝘯̶𝘦̶𝘦̶𝘥̶ 𝘵̶𝘰̶ 𝘩̶𝘪̶𝘥̶𝘦̶ 𝘵̶𝘩̶𝘦̶𝘪̶𝘳̶ 𝘨̶𝘪̶𝘳̶𝘭̶𝘴̶ 𝘧̶𝘳̶𝘰̶𝘮̶ 𝘵̶𝘩̶𝘦̶ 𝘤̶𝘭̶𝘢̶𝘴̶𝘴̶ 𝘳̶𝘦̶𝘱̶

„Whoa, this place is huge." Y/N blinked.

„I like my house like I like my dick." Tengen announced proudly.

„Ugh!" Y/N's rolled her eyes, walking away. She already wanted to run. This place was too noisy and crowded, let alone annoying flashing lights. It was almost like a night club. She could spot irritating people here and there. Even Gyutaro was present (probably walked in after beating up whoever was in charge of handling face control). Luckily, siblings had not spotted Y/N yet, they were smoking weed with Douma, wrapped in a thick smoke.

„Sorry! Sorry! I am sorry!" Someone bumped into Y/N, apologizing repeatedly.

„You are... Kyojuro's little brother... what are you doing here? Do not tell me... hosts even invited junior students? You have to be kidding me!"

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