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Shelby's POV:

"Why did Scott leave again?"

My head was still spinning as Jimmy spoke. His head must have been spinning too. I can't think straight.

Who's Scott again?

I press a finger to my temples and pinch my nose bridge.

"Shrub, are you okay?"

I look up at Katherine, whose eyes are shining with worry and voice is laced with concern.

I nod, before looking away.

"We don't know, Jim," Pix explains for the hundredth time.

"And remind me why this is important?" Joey turns his head towards Jimmy, and colour flushes his face before tearing away his glance from Joey.

"Well," Katherine added, changing the subject. "I personally think that he is suffering from guilt."

Pix's eyes shoot up, immediately engaged.

"That's why he left," he whispered, and Katherine nodded vigorously.

Realisation creeped across his face.

"What is it, Pix?" I ask, curious about his abrupt reaction.

"Have you heard about what guilt can do to an elf?" he asked ominously, meeting eyes with the other rulers - including me - in turn.

We shook our heads, and Pix bit his lip, as if contemplating whether or not to go on.

"Guilt is powerful," His whispers were quiet, but I was clinging on to each word. "It will shatter his elven mind,"

Katherine and I shared a look, before her hand clasped around me, and I felt my cheeks warm.

"Okay," Joey said. "And?"

"Scott told us that he got into an argument with Lizzie - presumably a verbal one. And Lizzie, as kind as she is, probably came up with a sassy retort. Since Joel should've woken up by now, Lizzie probably has told Joel. And Joel, being the vengeful man he is..."

"Probably is going to pick a fight with him," I finished his sentence. He nodded. "As we speak,"

Katherine hands Jimmy, Joey and I another serum labelled 'Torti Vineas' full of teal liquid reminding me of Scott's hair.

"This will help you feel less distant," Katherine whispered, trying not to break Pix's deep train of thought.

As it slipped down my throat, it burned yet it was cold. Jimmy gagged, Joey squirmed and I felt my face contort into displeasure.

"Sorry," Katherine apologised. That's why I love her. She thinks about everyone all the time.

"I'm working on flavouring them to something a bit more pleasurable,"

Joey turned his emerald eyes back to Pix, who was patiently waiting for us to finish.


All heads turned to Joey.

"What's the game plan?"

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