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As the title says, hi everyone! <3

I hope you're doing well. It's been ages, I know. I'm very sorry about that.

I have some news about this story. As you may have already guessed, I will not finish this story. So much has happened since 2016 when this story series started and people have changed. Unfortunately I do not find myself as a fan of Justin Bieber anymore, I'm quite the opposite at the moment and have been for a few years now but that is a conversation I am not going to have because everyone is entitled for their own opinion. And since this story is about Justin Bieber, I can't bring myself to write it anymore. I am very sorry about that and I hope you understand my point of view but if you don't, that's equally as fine too. 

HOWEVER I have been visiting wattpad for a year now in creative spirits and I have a story in development that I'm not sure (yet) if I'm going to publish it. Eitherway if I'm ever going to publish it, I will do it once it's completed. It will have three books and right now I'm writing the second one. Eagle eyed people may spot from my profile who is it about. Him and the six others (wink wink) entered my life at a perfect time and I haven't regretted it once. I'm happier than ever :)

If you have any questions or anything: Comment, message me, whatever suits you. I'm here :)

And IF you are interested in hearing about the story I've been writing, comment like your life depends on it! :D

Last but not least, I am so very grateful for the reads and comments Senior Year- the series have been getting all these years, I appreciate you all very much! (Side note: the first part Senior Year has almost half a million reads and that if anything blows my mind, thank you <3)

That is all, for now. Thank you for reading this message and I hope you have an amazing day! 


Perfect (Third book to the series Senior Year) - jbWhere stories live. Discover now