7. I think I should go

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Ava's POV

I skipped the stairs up two at a time since I was in a great mood because of my jog. My hairline was sweating and my cheeks had a cute light pink color. In reality, I was red as hell, but for now I was light pink.

Well, that was one way to spend your birthday. It's not like I was in the mood for partying anyways...

I opened the door to my apartment with my set of keys and let myself in. I let out a huge sigh because I was still a little out of breath, while I made my way to the kitchen.

But then I realized.

I switched the lights off when I left and now they were all on.

I was sure my face went as pale as a sheet of paper as I stood there on the doorway of my kitchen.

Maybe the electricity was playing games again. Or... Someone was here.

I whimpered in total fear and anxiety while I backed away towards my bedroom. My mind started to swirl with escape plans and self-defending moves. My shaking hand touched the cold door knob and with only one slight twist I hastled to my bedroom and slammed the door shut.

"Ava?" was heard from the crippling silence.

And when I say I screamed like a maniac, I screamed like a maniac.

I grabbed the nearest object I could find, that turned out to be a flower vase, and turned to the direction where the voice came from, ready to throw the vase and escape.

"No, no, no! Don't throw it!"

My addrenaline was pumping, making my vision blurry, but when I realized who was in my bedroom, everything went clear and quiet like a mountain fog was washed away.

"I-It's me! Sorry, I-" Justin stuttered, holding a semi-big painting in his hands.

My hand, holding the vase, lowered down all the while I was still watching the man standing a few feet away from me, shocked and out of words.

It was him. Right there. Right there in front of me. With a new set of facial hair on his upper lip and chin.

"I didn't know you came back. Otherwise I wouldn't have- I would've knocked first." he shook his head, disappointed in himself before putting down the painting on my bed.

And then I saw the rest.

There was atleast five paintings, big and small, around the room. And when I squinted my eyes to see who was in the paintings, I realized it was me. Every single painting was me. Except one, it was Esther. But other than that, they were all me. There was me smiling, laughing, holding a flower and a coffee cup. Somehow I remembered, Justin had taken photos of me similar to them.

"I can leave if you-"

"No, don't." I quickly interrupted him.

I mean, yes, he broke into my house even though he had a key and yes, he filled my room with different kind of paintings of me, but he was there. Finally, he was there, alive and well. My heart sank at the thought of finally seeing him. And if it wasn't for the things we went through, I would've been hugging him already. But I didn't know where we stood in our relationship. I didn't know if he really had a new girlfriend.

"Why did you bring me these?" I cleared my throat, putting the vase back to its place.

At first, he looked at me, stunned that I was actually, finally, talking. But then he snapped back to this world and answered me.

Perfect (Third book to the series Senior Year) - jbWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt