11. A Family

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soo I had a writers block, everything I wrote felt wrong and I just wanted to throw my laptop at the wall, but I'm back :) sorry for the wait! I appreciate you all for reading this story and I'm happy that I have you <3


Ava's POV

Alex spent time with us for a couple of hours. I was actually surprised to see that she really didn't mind me being with Justin again. Maybe she saw what Justin was really like in person and didn't just judge him by his actions. I mean, she has known him for, I don't know, three years now. It was about time everyone in my family knew what he was like. But I did understand my parents's anger towards him. He hurt their little girl and they had every right to be mad. But if I forgave him, so should they. People change, mindsets change.

After we had some dinner just the three of us, Alex had to go home to study when it was about 4pm. Me and Justin were left alone, again, and I enjoyed it. I missed him so much K wanted to take advantage of every moment I had with him.

We were laying in my bed, spooning, while the tv was on but on silent. Only the traffic noises from the street pushed through the small window crack.

"I would wanna stay here forever, but I should get going back. I didn't really tell anyone where I went." Justin spoke softly against my ear, sending shivers down my spine, while he slowly caressed his hand over my bare thigh back and forth.

"Back to where?" I looked at him from the corner of my eye, wanting to increase the closeness to the maximum.

I needed him so much to the point I almost went insane.

"To Stephen and Laura's house, the Goodwins. Remember them?" his hand stopped caressing me for a while but I quickly guided him to continue.

"Yeah, but... I don't want you to go." I sighed, knowing this moment I was having with him would be over anytime soon.

But I wanted to cherish it as long as I could.

"I know, baby, but I have meetings and all. I would cancel them in a second if I could, but I can't." he sighed too and placed a soft kiss behind my ear.

Oh yeah, real life was calling. I thought I could stay here forever, being held by him, and not worry about anything or anyone else. But he was busy these days. I bet he barely even had day off's like this anymore. And that worried me a little bit. Actually a lot.

"No, I had an idea," Justin suddenly sat up and it made me look at him but I still remained on my side. His ideas were always super weird and spontaneous so it wasn't like I was dying to hear what he had to offer this time. "Come with me. You can finally meet them and their kids. They're all super awesome."

His expression was excited and the way he was now squeezing my thigh indicated how badly he actually wanted me to meet them all. I could tell that family meant a lot to him and to be honest, I was quite curious to know what they were like. Jessie too. Because usually Justin was very closed about his personal life. Even to me. He barely talked about his troubled past, I only knew the reason why he had to move to Graham, but he never told me why he was troubled and what made him the way he was now. And he never actually talked about his real family, his parents and all. Pattie I knew well, very well actually, but it was because I, myself, wanted to keep up with her. But for example, I had only met Justin's dad two times but his step siblings way more. I didn't want to pressure Justin into telling me everytime, I wanted things to come up organically and not forced.

Perfect (Third book to the series Senior Year) - jbWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt