8. Night Out

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Justin's POV

"I missed you..." she cried out loud before rushing to me, wrapping her thin arms around my torso.

I was quick enough to take action on that and hug her back.

She felt so tiny in my arms, more tinier than before. But gosh, how much I wanted to jump up and down from joy to hear her say she had missed me. And how much I wanted to thank God to finally feel her arms around me. I had wished for this moment for more than six months. Seeing her healthier and bubblier than before. She had definitely gained her personality back during her time away. I still didn't know where she had spent those six months but it seemed like she had been somewhere peaceful. But the way she was when she left was gone now.

"I missed you too." I hummed as my cheek was pressed against the top of her head.

I slowly rubbed her back up and down while keeping her as close as possible to me. At times she would sniff and take deep breaths but she was calm now. And I was too.

It felt like we hadn't even been away from each other for six months. But at the same time, the time almost killed me. Literally. I couldn't stop thinking about her and I was so worried that I lost her for good that I even thought about giving up on everything. But gladly Stephen was there to save me again.

"And happy birthday." I spoke softly to my girl.

She pushed me away slightly to look up at me. Her eyes were glossy and her lips were swollen from the crying.

I let out a small chuckle because she looked so cute right there, in my arms.

"Why aren't you out partying?" my voice was a whisper.

Slowly, I moved a hair strand behind her ear and wiped away the wetness on her light pink cheeks.

"Everyone had other plans." she had to clear her throat before speaking up.

A smile crept up to my lips when a thought came up to my mind. And it was the best thought ever.

"Well, I'm glad I didn't book any plans for tonight." I loosened my arms around her body and slowly stroked her shoulders.

She wiped the last tears from her cheeks before frowning at me.

"Great..." she rolled her eyes, knowing excactly what we were going to do.

"Put on something casual. Keep on mind that I look like this." I pointed at my black jeans and striped long sleeved shirt.

She let out a quiet giggle and it was everything I wanted to hear. That way I knew we were getting back on track, slowly but surely.

"Come on, hurry up." I smiled at her before pushing her towards her bedroom.

"You didn't have that 'patience' tattoo just for fun." she hollered at me before closing the door, leaving me in the living room to wait for her.

And she had her humour back.

I brought my hands up to my face, rubbing my eyes while smiling. The thought of finally having her with me swarmed around my whole being. I couldn't stop smiling. Our relationship had gone through a lot and a few of those reasons were because of me. I knew that Ava didn't deserve for example what I did to her in high school and what happened six months ago. She deserved better. But what we got between us was strong. Fights and arguments did shake us but didn't ruin us. And when I say I want to spend the rest of my life with her, it's the truth. Because she was the most down to earth, most beautiful and generous woman I have ever met. And the way she has grown up from the moment we saw each other for the first time was amazing. She was nothing like the others.

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