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hiiii it's me again :)


Ava's POV

I watched on the front porch as the shiny sports car sped away from the frontyard.

Oh my God.

I thought. He's going to kill himself in that condition.

Quickly, I ran back inside and to the backyard where Scooter and Allison were. They were lounging on the sunbeds and talking about something important. They turned to look at me as soon as my heels clicked against the wooden terrace.

"He left." I breathed, "He just left."

Scooter stood up quickly.

"What? Where?"

"He's going to kill himself. Please, we need to go after him!" I tried to hurry them, they just stared at me, confused.

Scooter sighed, briefly glancing at Allison who was still sitting on the sunbed.

"Ava, he's a grown man. The only thing we can do is call him. Nothing else. We would just make a too big of a scene out of it if we went after him. I advice you to not do it." Scooter said, slowly.

What? He was his manager and was just going to let him do that? Speed down the streets and go after a guy who molested me last night. Well, they didn't actually know the whole story.

I groaned in frustration, running my fingers through my tangled hair.

That's it, I can't just stand here and wait for him. I have to do something.

"I'm going." I stated, turning my back to them and heading back inside.

"Ava!" Scooter yelled, "For God's sake, Ava!"

I hurried through the house to the front door, grabbing what I assumed were car keys to Justin's Mercedes Benz from a side table and gripping onto the front door handle tightly.

"Ava! Darling, let's just wait here." I heard Allison coming after me, speaking to me softly all the while.

"You don't understand." I mumbled and opened the heavy door for myself.

I hurried outside, making my way to a matte black Mercedes Benz. The car made a small sound when I unlocked the doors and sat on the driver's seat, pulling the car door closed. It took me a minute to even find the key ignition, the whole car was too complicated for me.

Suddenly I heard another car coming through the gates and roaring it's way to the frontyard. I snapped my head to the direction where the car was coming from.

"Justin." I breathed.

Quickly I stepped outside the vehicle to watch Justin get out of his.

"What did you do?" I snapped while walking towards him.

His hands formed into fists as he totally ignored me, staring at his huge house next to us. His clothes looked rumbled and his hair was messy.

"Huh? What did you do?" I repeated, my heart beating at least a hundred times per second.

I was scared, I was terrified. Whatever he did, took him only five minutes since he wasn't gone for a long time.

"You don't have to worry about that. Go inside." he pointed at the front door, still not looking at me.

I noticed he had some blood on his knuckles.

Oh my... Please tell me he didn't.

"What the fuck did you do, Justin?" I screamed at him, pushing his left shoulder so he would at least look at me, "Is this you now? You solve problems with your fists? What the fuck has happened to you?!"

I heard cameras going off in the distance. A few people had gathered on the street, outside Justin's gate. They had cameras and phones in their hands. Justin noticed that too.

"Ava, for once, do what I fucking say." he hissed, finally turning to look at me.

Not saying a thing, I stomped my way back inside, not even holding the door for Justin as he followed me. Scooter and Allison stood in the hallway, turning to look at us. I ignored them as I started to go towards the staircase.

"Justin, this needs to stop if you want to keep your name clean." I heard Scooter say to Justin.

He was behind me, just a few feet away.

"If there's no plans for today, then please leave." Justin said to them.

I made it upstairs and turned to look at him as he was still halfway. He looked at me too, straight in the eyes.

"And get those paps away from my gate!" he added.

The front door opened and closed, leaving us to a perfect silence.

We just stared at each other. He had no expression on his face. Neither did I. My breathing haltered as I thought of myself.

Poor girl. Tries so hard to have a perfect life.

But here she was. Bruises all over her wrists. Her drug using boyfriend with blood on his knuckles staring back at him. What went wrong?

"This is so stupid." I gasped, holding back to my tears, "I'm so stupid to think this is going to work out."

Justin's expression jerked. He frowned, wrinkles forming up between his eyebrows.

"All this drama, for what? You think I haven't thought of that? You think I don't give a shit about our relationship? I'm exhausted, Ava. And you've been back in my life for, I don't know, a few weeks?" he squinted his eyes as he went up the few stairs to get on the same level as I was, "And now you're mad for dealing with a guy who molested you. What do you want? What do you want me to do? You get mad when you see me drinking and smoking when you basically come here unannounced. What did you expect me to do here while you are thousand miles away from me? This is fucking stupid. I'm the one who feels stupid because I never make you feel proud for having me in your life. Just fucking think about that for a second."

I sobbed while I watched him walk past me, bumping our shoulders together.

"I just want my life back. Is that too much to ask?" I cried, standing completely still and probably just talking to a wall since Justin was not getting my point.

"What life? You want a boyfriend who's on his knees in front of you everyday, every minute. You want a servant, that's what you want." he basically spat those words, standing behind me.

Since when did he get so mean? It felt like he cared so little about me that he could say anything without thinking if those words were going to hurt me. Where was the Justin I used to know?


Perfect (Third book to the series Senior Year) - jbWhere stories live. Discover now