16. New beginnings and old habits

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Ava's POV

I held my phone nervously in my sweaty hand, staring at blankness in front of me as I sat on my couch, waiting for my courage to kick in. I didn't know what to say. No, I did. But I didn't know how to say it because eitherway I was going to be yelled at and I needed to take it all in calmly and collectively. As you probably guessed already, I was going to call my mom about me moving and she was probably going to have dad join in on the conversation or actually, my roasting session since I knew they were going to have heart attacks after another.

"Come on, you can do this. Besides I'm here too, even though you can't tell them I helped you, remember?" Alex asked me carefully and reassuringly because she herself didn't want to get any trouble out of this.

"Yes, I won't tell them." I rolled my eyes at her and, surprisingly, unlocked my phone to finally call mom.

I didn't want to facetime her because of the possibilites of tears. It was enough to hear her cry but to see her also. Yeah, no thanks. So I slowly tapped her name on my screen and it started ringing.

"Put it on speaker." Alex whispered while scooping closer to me on the couch.

I tapped the speaker button and waited.

Mom usually took a long time to answer since she was probably right now trying to find the room her phone was ringing in. And now she was probably yelling at my dad to help him but he's too busy watching a football game. But finally she finds her phone in the kitchen and-

"Hey, sweetie!" her happy voice rang in my ears.

"Hi, mom!" my voice shook a little.

"How are you? Are you okay?" she hastily asked since we hadn't talked in ages after they came to pick me up from Brookhaven.

"I'm actually... great. Nothing special." I laughed, nervously but gained a hard nudge from Alex as she mouthed me 'stop lying'.

I glared at her and returned to the mood I was in while talking to my mom.

"That's very nice to hear. John! It's Ava! Come say hi!" she yelled loud enough to break my speaker in my phone but I couldn't do anything but to roll my eyes at her.

I sighed as I heard rustling in the backround since it was her probably adjusting on the dinner table while dad joined her.

"My sweet pie!" dad's voice echoed through my phone.

"Hi, dad." I spoke softly.

"So, is there a reason you called us or did you just miss home?" mom cooed like I was a little child.

I glanced at Alex and she nodded at me encouragingly.

You can do this. It's your future and they don't have a say in this. Just infrom them you're with Justin again and you're moving to LA, go live with him.

"I actually need to tell you guys something."

"Uh oh, is this something bad again?" mom sighed, very loudly.

Alex shook her head rapidly at me, probably telling me not to get bothered by moms attitude.

"Mom, when have I ever told you anything bad- You know what? Just listen to me. It's important." I told them bluntly and it was followed with a silence so I continued, "So- uhh... I bumped into Justin a little over a week ago and we decided to be together, not like we ever broke up when you guys took me home, but still."

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