25. Going Crazy

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Ava's POV

"Yes, mom, everything's fine. You don't have to worry." I sighed, rolling my eyes as I walked up the concrete stairs of my University's library building.

The campus was quiet and peaceful. No wonder since it was a little over 5 in the evening on a Friday. Almost everyone had gone home already. I had lectures the whole day and decided to study a little bit more. Alex had asked me to have dinner with her this evening so I had a few hours before I was meeting up with her.

"Just call me or your dad if something comes up. We'll answer right away. We're so happy you're yourself again." mom sounded happy and maybe a little teared up, I wasn't sure though.

And I wasn't sure if she was saying the truth. I didn't know who I was. I had gone back and forth with myself so I didn't know who was the authentic me. But I didn't want to go there with my thinking. I would probably be in an asylum already for that.

"Yes, but I need to go now. I'm at the library." I told her, not really caring if she still wanted to talk to me, "Bye, mom!"

"Bye, honey!" she replied and I hung up.

I pushed my phone into my bag and leaned on the heavy wooden door to push it open. The library was huge and the ceiling was way up high. I had to show my student ID before I was allowed to enter the actual library hall. It was quiet and my footsteps echoed in the large building. There were about 5 or 6 people including me which told me that the others were already wasted or doing something else. At least I had the peace and silence to study.

I sat down on a free table with 8 seats. Carefully I put my bag on the table and pulled my laptop out. A few people glared at me since I was the only one making noise. What was I supposed to do? Come here in a mission impossible style and not make a single sound? Mentally I rolled my eyes and just carried on with my task.

I opened the powerpoint that the professor from my latest lecture had sent his students. I wrote down notes and just studied the subjects in general. At times a new person would come into the library and another one left. I actually had troubles in concentrating when I was in public. So I guess I was training that ability also when I decided to come here to study.

Again I heard the big front door open so I lifted my gaze from my laptop's screen and waited to see who came in. I didn't know much people from the lectures I attended. Only Laura.

I tapped my foot against the tile floor as I looked towards the entrance of the library hall.

Talk about concentrating.

But as a man with black hair walked in, I got a sudden urge to sit up more straight and put my loose hairstrands behind my ears. He was handsome. Very handsome, I'm not going to lie. His hair was tied back in a bun. Not on the top but in a fashionable way on the back of his head. He had a beard. Not a long one and not a stubble either but a thick, manly beard. I started to get shy by just looking at him and I couldn't stop. He had his eyes on his phone screen as he walked slowly. But as soon as he lifted his gaze I quickly turned away, hastily continuing whatever I was doing before the man came in. I could hear his footsteps getting closer but I still didn't dare to look.

What was I doing? I felt like a little girl again. But again, what was I doing?

You're a grown woman. You don't need acceptance from anyone just so you can admire another person. He's a very goodlooking man. It would be weird if you weren't attracted to him.

I lifted my gaze to see what table he was choosing. Casually he sat around the table next to mine. He looked like he knew what he was doing.

Well, why wouldn't he know how to choose a table?

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