5. Somehow

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I shut the front door to my apartment. It was past midnight already and I was getting super tired. I never went to buy the groceries I needed but I had some Ramen noodles in the cupboard so I guessed I would make it through the night just with them.

Gosh, this night was really starting to show on me. Getting back with my life was harder than I thought because a lot had happened without me even knowing about it. And the biggest thing yet was that Justin was now a singer everyone knew and loved and adored. And also, he didn't live at his apartment anymore. I didn't have his phone number, otherwise of course I would've called him. But then there was my fears again, stopping me from doing everything I could just to even hear his voice again. Fear of finding out that he had moved on and had another girlfriend. Fear of realizing he didn't care about me anymore. Because every since I saw him the first time, in high school in the hallway, he captured my heart. Despite the fact that he had hurt me many times, he still loved me unconditionally. He always made sure I was taken care of and I felt confident in my own skin. He made me the happiest during our better days. And I always thought, small arguments wouldn't kill our relationship. Until they turned to be bigger arguments. They didn't just ruin our relationship, they ruined me completely. And I was absolutely broken inside.

I fell on my couch, sighing loudly. I was very tired and my eyelids weighed at least a ton, but I still didn't want to go to sleep. My heart needed at least something clearance. But I didn't have anymore ideas on how I could get it. Not until my phone rang and when I dug it out from my pocket, it was Laura facetiming me.

I hadn't seen her since I left her at Central Park.

I pressed the green button to answer her and soon her face popped up on the screen.

"Oh my God, hey girl! Didn't think you were gonna answer!" her highpitched voice filled my eardrums so I had to put the volume down on my phone.

"Heyy, Laura!" I smiled at her dearly.

I missed her positiveness the most.

"So good to have you back. How was the treatment center?" she asked, adjusting her position in her bed, I suppose.

I guess Alex told her or someone else, since I didn't really have access to my phone to tell everyone that I was in a mental health center for six months.

"Enlightening. I feel so much better now."

"That's so good to hear. And you look so much healthier even though the lighting is not that good." she giggled whole-heartedly.

"Aww thanks." I cupped my forehead, feeling shy because of her compliments.

And then it was quiet. I could see Laura was thinking about something since she was biting her nails nervously. She always did that when she had something to say but she didn't know how to say it.

I already kind of knew what she was going to say to me next.

"So... Have you heard?" she finally dared to ask, lowering her voice a little bit.

"If you're talking about Justin, then yes." I sighed, ready to take it all in whatever she was going to say about him.

"Let me just say... Before we talk anything deeper, his song 'All That Matters' is the hottest and I'm one hundred percent sure it's about you." she blathered, talking so fast that I barely even understood anything she said.

But wait...

"Uhmm..." I got confused.

I thought he only had that one song.

Perfect (Third book to the series Senior Year) - jbWhere stories live. Discover now