9. Lust

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Ava's POV

I glanced back at the few people still following us, with their phones out and their hands on the mouths. I bet they couldn't believe what they were seeing in front of their very own eyes. I turned my gaze forward to see Justin slowing down his pace, his feet hitting the concrete loudly and hard out of pure exhaustion.

"I can't, this is my-" he panted, "limit. Oh God..."

I stopped running too, totally out of breath. I wanted to rip my clothes off since my whole body was producing large amount of sweat.

"You guys deserve a picture. You're the real fans." Justin chuckled as the last five fans who followed us here reached us.

We had ran all the way to the Brooklyn Bridge and I was actually pretty surprised that my legs carried me this far. Maybe because I was having too much fun so that I wasn't worrying about anything.

"Oh my God, thank you so much." the fans tried to remain calm but they were clearly almost freaking out.

"I can take the picture." I offered since I wasn't the one who they wanted to take the picture with.

I was handed a bunch of phones and they all gathered around Justin. It was so funny to see all those red and sweaty faces smile at a picture.

"We should caption the picture with 'we just ran a marathon'." Justin pointed out and all the girls started laughing meanwhile I took pictures with all the phones I had on me.

"Ya'll look cute." I smiled at them when I was finished and they all thanked me.

"We're leaving you alone now. Have a nice evening." they said to us politely while waving.

"Thanks guys!" Justin yelped at them as he wiped his forehead with the hem of his shirt.

I walked over to him all the while I took my jean jacket off to tie it around my waist.

"Well that was fun." I giggled, still breathless and panting for fresh air.

"It was." Justin laughed too while looking around the place we were in, "Come."

He started towards the shore of the river, basically going under the huge bridge that would take you to the dark side of New York, also known as Brooklyn. I followed Justin, not wanting to ask anymore question because so far everything had been going well and I knew I could trust him when it came to spontaneous dates. I was actually very glad that he kind of broke in to my apartment to put up a birthday present for me. The fight we had, led us to this moment. If I would've just let him walk out without any conversation, I would be at home probably crying and wondering what went wrong. But I was here now, having so far the best birthday I've ever had and it was all because of Justin.

Carefully I went down the small hill to get down to the bottom of the bridge above us. Justin was already there, waiting for me.

"What are we doing here?" I asked while still walking towards him.

It was completely dark. The sky was full of shiny stars and the street lights were our only source of light so we could see at least something.

"I came here to write songs when I was 17. This was the exact place I sat on." he kicked a few pebbles from the ground, them reaching the water and going along with the powerful river flow.

I went to stand next to Justin, not saying anything. I was actually very curious to hear his story since he never really liked to talk about it and to this day I still didn't know why.

"I was actually having- uhm... I was in a weird place in my life and somehow when I came here, I wasn't so confused and scared anymore."

I looked up at him as the dim lighting from the dark sky hit his face and he looked absolutely breathtaking. Honestly. And I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. I wanted to listen to his soothing voice and watch him forever. It was the most calming thing.

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