18. No One

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hi im back :)

i wrote this chapter like a million times because i just didnt like it, i wanted it to be perfect for you guys and i felt like this was an important chapter considering whats gonna happen in the next ones

so sorry for the delay :(


Justin's POV

Do you know that feeling?

The feeling when you wake up and you feel nothing but regret?

Yeah, I had that.

And I wish I didn't because I knew I had fucked up so I deserved to feel like this. It was God's way of telling me people were too good to me.

One person in general.


And I was such an asshole to always give her more reasons to just leave me and never come back to me ever again. Even though I definitely didn't want that, trouble just lured me to them.

Oh how I wished I could've wake up next to her and feel happy but since I'm Justin and I screw up everything, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

I didn't even know why she was here. To visit me?

My eyes were glued close or at least it felt like it when I tried to open them. I had a slight headache but it wasn't that bad. Remorse and regret were the worse.

At last I opened my eyes, coming across with the ceiling ahead of me. The sun was shining brightly into my room, reminding me that I needed to get better, non-sheer curtains. My hands were on my stomach as I laid there on my back, just staring at the ceiling like it was the most interesting view. But I wasn't concentrating on that, I was playing last night in my head over and over again. Surprisingly I remembered almost everything; how me and the boys started playing beer pong and then someone got an idea to invite more people since we started to be pretty smashed, then the others came in and we lounged in my living room listening to music on full volume while smoking weed. I remember clearly when Ava came into the living room, I swear I thought it was mom at first. She told my friends to leave but I was playing jokes on her and basically laughing at her face. After that everything was kind of a blur but I remembered bits and pieces. But in conclusion, the whole night was a nightmare and I knew I had screwed up, big time.

I never wanted her to see me like that. I never wanted her to know that I smoked weed. I just... I wanted to be good to her, I wished she didn't change her mind about me.

I turned my head to the right to see my girlfriend in a pretty dress and black high heels, her back facing me.

At least she was next to me.

I gulped down the lump in my throat, nervously, as I carefully moved closer to her, not really sure how she was going to react.

But I had a perfect plan; shower her with kisses and tell her I'm sorry.

Oh, I wish, because as soon as even just the tip of my finger touched her back, she sat up like a lightning and puffing, sounding like she had ran a marathon just a second ago.

She twisted her back to look at me and as soon as her gaze hit mine, she seemed to relax.

What was that all about?

Perfect (Third book to the series Senior Year) - jbWhere stories live. Discover now