17. What could be worse?

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Ava's POV

"25202 Prado Del Grandioso, Calabasas, please." I told the cab driver as I stepped inside the small, yellow car with my big bag and my jacket hanging on my arm since I didn't realize it was going to be this warm in LA.

And it was almost 8pm!

My back hit the car sear as the cab driver sped up his pace on the highway. He was clearly in a hurry.

But I was too. My heart was pounding against my ribcage, making it almost burst out from my chest. I was now in the same timezone as Justin and he had no idea I was here. I couldn't even sit still on my car seat, I was too anxious. But the drive there was about an hour so I had some time to kill.

I couldn't help but feel... so happy. I was finally here where I needed to be. No matter what the consequences are, I was safe.

Nothing could go wrong, right?


Justin's POV

Thick smoke filled my vision in front of me, making the darkening sky look more beautiful and mysterious. Loud music played in the background and the yells of my friends having fun in my backyard was heard also.

I was having a few friends over just for fun, since I needed something to take the edge off. And that happened with the company of my friends and other things as well as alcohol and weed. But I wasn't drinking, I didn't do that just to get drunk anymore. It always got out of hand for me so I didn't want to do it. Weed filled it's tasks just quite.

"We gotta play a round of beer bong, who's in?" Rick's voice was heard on top of it all and I saw all my friends coming towards the patio where I was enjoying my time, relaxing.

"Everyone has to be in, otherwise we ain't playing." Hugo demanded because he thought he was a tough guy.

He really wasn't.

Hugo was one of my old friends from the label I worked for. He used to work for it too but then he got a better offer from Sony Music. We were still good buddies since he happened to be there for me all the way from the day we first met. I had huge love and respect for that guy. And he was a great song writer, I aspired to be just like him.

"JB, you in?" Mason asked me as they all three stood in front of me while I laid on the sunbed I owned, my legs propped up nicely in a relaxing position.

"I'm not sure if I can get up." I murmured, taking another breath from my what felt like an everlasting joint.

I was high, for sure.

"Fuck, look at you dude." Rick laughed his hoarse laugh, loud enough to wake up the people from the other side of the continent, "All high and shit." and then he laughed some more.

He was high too.

"Get the fuck up, bro!" Hugo threw a towel at my face he happened to be carrying, almost making me drop my joint to the pool just a few inches away from me.

"Yo, dude!" I hissed at him while making sure he didn't break my blunt of happiness and relaxation.

The all started throwing slurs at me which finally made me stand up from the sunbed and follow them inside my house.

Soon we all were playing a round of beer bong, me and Hugo versus Mason and Rick. And it was hilarious.

At one point I realized I was totally forgetting about my outside life, my depressing loneliness and my beautiful girlfriend. But how relieving was that. That's why I needed my friends to be there for me. They knew how to get me up from the bed and have a little fun, forget about all the hurting things I had in my life at the moment. No, I wasn't saying that Ava was a hurting thing in my life. She was a blessing. But it just hurt me to know that maybe she just wasn't that willing to put me first at some point of her life. Maybe that was taking place a little later.

Perfect (Third book to the series Senior Year) - jbWhere stories live. Discover now