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Sitting in his Office James was currently looking over the reports of his current case code name Frostbite

She was an Assassin that had peaked James's interest when he got reports of the files

Reports and rumors of her scouted in Minnesota. Manly in the cold tundra places like up in the mountains or places of heavy snow.

But what peaked James interest the most wasn't the fact that it was random Assassinations it's that it wasn't. All of Frostbite's murders weren't even done to usual picks of CEO's and corporate literals and business men. But happened to Hidden agents and Dirty crooks and dealers. People at first glance you would think are civilians were found dead turning out to be Old Government officials and ex world leaders.

James was already too determined to this case mainly because others weren't. Many people among S.H.I.E.L.D. thought this woman was doing them a favor. A blessing in disguise as she was getting rid of the evil filth and trash that these people probably brought to the world

But James knew what his Father would say if he just let this go

"If you let an innocent person get shot in cold blood no matter what they've done. And you had the chance to save them and you ran. Your no better than the man or woman who pulled the trigger James"
"These are the only clear photos we could get Sir" a Agent said as she pulled up 3 holographic photos

All 3 of them were blurry and wasn't clear to the least but it was all they had

1 was a Silhouette of someone perched atop a roof. This photo was captured from a Street Camera somewhere in Alaska. Frostbite had been holding a Sniper Rifle as she killed another Past Agent.

A second was another one this time more clear as James could see her Shiny Blonde hair from behind as she was walking off some building

The 3rd was definitely the most Interesting. What caught James the most interest was the fact that she was holding some type of Sparkly shiny Knife in her gloved hand.
James tried to run some type of Scan on the weapons but J.A.R.V.I.S. Found that it wasn't even made before only adding on to James's suspicion

"Have we gotten any reports or Background checks on her killings ?"

"No sir sorry, all we know is the coverfronts old world leaders before Ultron. Agents to different federal governments but nothing Personal sorry Sir"

"It's alright, Thank you your dismissed"

"Right Sir"

The agent left James leaving him only with the 3 Photos of who this mystery person could be.

James sighed as he ran a hand through his blood red hair

"This is the Elena Incident all over again, speaking of which, any signs of MS Devil J.A.RV.I.S"

"Afraid not sir, Ms Murdock has not been reported anywhere in New York"

"Well Francis is gonna be heartbroken his Sai wielding girlfriend is gone now isn't he"

"I hope not sir"
James had been sitting on his desk as he was observing the 3rd picture the most. It had been of the Shiny Knife in Frostbite's hand that caught his eyes

It was different from any other knife he had seen, almost like it was made of Diamonds ?

"HEY JAMES !" Pym said as he rushed into his office

Looking down from the picture James saw as his friends all sported wide grins and smiles on their faces only adding on to his confusion

"Yeah ?"

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