And Here we go

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"Your Franklin's sister" the words had escaped James's mouth loosely and easily. So easily Valeria gave her own shocked demeanor

"you....You know my brother ?"

Nodding his head James felt her grip grow tighter around his hands

"Yeah I know him. He's a friend of mine-well associate...acquaintance" James just shook his head

"Whatever the fuck, I know him. And he's been searching this entire earth for you"

Even though she was older than him a couple of years younger than Franklin's age James was still taller than Valeria still considering that fact that he was a drugged up young man and stood 6'1 so when he cuffed her face and wiped her tears he knew he had a new mission in hand

"I promise you I'm gonna get you to your brother ok. But in order to do that I need you to help me get free or my brother is going to kill us both"

He knew Valeria was scared and truly he didn't blame her who knows how long she's been here. The horrors she's seen. The death she's almost experienced. But James gave her credit because she was definitely strong willed

Shaking her head in a confirmed manner Valeria slowly broke free from James's grasp not wanting to let go of his warm energy but she did. She had made her way to the metal tray and place where his jacket hung and grabbed it along with his widow bites

Bringing them over to James immediately the red headed boy had never felt more satisfied to see his mother's gear in hand ever in his life

"You just saved both our lives" James told Valeria as he took the widow bites in her hand and the blonde haired girl just chuckled and watched as he strapped each gauntlet to his hand

"You know it's solid metal. I don't think those little tasers will break through" Valeria said. Once the words left her mouth a hint of fear popped up thinking all this was for nothing

But that fear easily washed away when a gun shot rang making her flinch as they broke the chains free

James only smirked as he looked up at Valeria

"Yeah well luckily their more than just little tasers" James stated before flicking his wrist bringing the gauntlet back into the taser mode

The first step James took unshackled; he almost fell straight to his feet. He had been chained up. Tied down and kept for so long he forgot what free will felt like. But luckily Valeria was there to catch him giving him a chance to catch his breath

"Are you ok ?" she asked

Taking a couple of deep breaths James got himself back in order

"Yeah just....tired.....really, really tired. My Adrenaline rush is long gone by now"

Shaking his head to wake himself up James took a couple of deep breaths before he rose to his feet once more. Valeria had given him his jacket and easily he slipped the uniform on. Not bothering to zip it up revealing his bare torso and truly if they weren't in such a life threatening situation Valeria would feel some type of way. Either that or her hormones were flaring up because well it's him

The sound of the cell's locks breaking from a singular kick by James snapped Valeria back from her trace as immediately James took her hand leading her out of the cell

"Alright, let get out of here" James said and soon enough they were gone







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