Boy Genuis

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Pym had locked himself in his lab for so long that he genuinely forgot what sunlight looks like

Usually when he was in his lab that means he was hard at work working on something to help the team or his late night mind flows but right now that wasn't the case

Right now all he was doing was sitting in his stool with his body leaned onto the table as he continued to tap his finger on the metal table below

Very rarely did Pym ever feel stuck and when he did he would be in an absolute slump not knowing what to do

This was one of those moments

Because all he could think about was what happened on that ship

He tried to challenge his mind with something anything but everything just reverted back to when his hands frozen to sub zero

Looking at his hands on his slouched position Pym continued to flare his hand back and forth examining it

Pym wished he knew what it was but he couldn't even fully think about what happened as everything happened too quickly. One moment he was feeling intense coldness and the next his body began to adapt and he had what felt like liquid nitrogen coursing through his veins

Pym knew he needed answers as he couldn't let this go

Who would

But he didn't know where he could find them. He was starting from ground zero and he had no clue on what to begin with

He had to sources, no science, No clue or even a damn book

All he had was the faint memory of what happened on the ship

The pure thought of it all made Pym furry his eyebrows knowing he didn't know what to do and soon he reverted to his slumped form on the table laying his head on his arms and turning to look at the Lab door with his Father's coat on it

Every day Pym keeps his Father's lab coat

His Father's lab coat

The one thing he had of his Father Hank Pym

As Pym began to examine the coat more he felt the great sensation of the neurons within his brain firing up as slowly he rose repeating that thought again

The one thing he had of his Father....

The one thing he had of his Father

"The one thing I have from Dad..." he said before his eyes went wide in realization

Sprouting up from his chair Pym immediately rushed to the lab coat and reached in it's pocket to find the small notebook

A sudden group of emotions installed within Pym's body as he smiled

True ever since Francis gave him the book he's been trying to decipher it but Pym thought

Maybe....just maybe if he figured out how to read the book he could possibly learn more about his powers....hell maybe more than just that !

The once lost feeling within Pym was now found as he finally had something to go off of

Something to test his mind and knowledge and possibly gain answers too

He had to get to work immediately and he just couldn't wait to start







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