New Companin

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It continued to rack his brain even if Cat told him that if he figured it out he wouldn't like it but he just needed to know he had to many questions but most importantly if he was going to lead his team into the firing line and take a shot at a god

He better not miss

After picking up his clothes and ultimately putting his suit pants back on leaving him shirtless James ruffled his blood red hair before looking at the Data disk on the counter picking it up

He inspected the metal device and squinted his eyes

'What do you hold' James thought

"Let's find out" he said before grabbing the device and sliding it into the slot transferring all the information into the computer

Immediately the screen turned on, opening upon the files James had saw before

Granted he was curious to study the list again see all the possible kids that were out there James scrolled past it and went to the third file labeled "DD"

James figured it had to be a known associate to Nova

one that was off their radar

Clicking and opening the file James was immediately bombarded with Messages and Text between Yato and The secret contact dating back to 2 years after the EArth wide clean up and 2 years after Ultron's defeat

Leaning on the table James continued to scroll more and more his eyes flicking over the text more and more as he read catching up to recent dates approximately 5 months before their Space mission

...: I Have provided the final piece you needed for Project Galactus how far are you until completion

Yato: Estimate time would be 5 Rotations

...: I expected it to be less but then again your group of metacentric police stationed bullies haven't gotten anything done in the past years without me. Nevertheless I expect results, Yato. The Age of Heroes is gone we need to start a new

Yato: Yes, of course

James squinted his eye as he noticed that was the last message

Suddenly as James continued to lean on the table the feeling of 2 hands wrapped around the back of his neck before he suddenly felt a kiss on his neck

He kept his same stature and expression even as she laid her head on his neck

"Not nice of you to leave the bed without warning" Cat said

"I couldn't sleep"

"Why not ? your dad did it for 70 years" this time cat smiled with a short laugh

"Not funny"

"It was to me" Cat said placing another kiss on his neck before leaving his arms completely

Turning his head this time James notice Cat was wearing nothing but a singular shirt as she made her way to his jacket

James just smirked as he folded his arms leaning against the counter

"You know I really do like your suit design. It's a perfect mix of your parents along with a flavor of you. The Jacket does make it whole too" Cat complemented

"Yeah thanks, you should've seen my first design really. It was sleeveless, didn't contain the silver linings, also had more red compared to now as I've gotten rid of the red linings replacing most of it with silver. Added the sleeves along with the singular silver star in the middle"

"Also finishing it out with the half red star at the end, quite the tailor you are"

"Well actually the redesign was Francis's and Pym's idea" James chuckled

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