Capitan America

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"The girls are in the Chambers"

A grin formed on Red Skulls face as he turned back from the monitors

"Good, Good, I would like to talk to them"

"Don't you wanna wait for James to come for them ? Lure him into a trap"

"Why would I do that ? Just for you to lose in a fight"

Red Skull saw as he clenched his fist only earning a scoff from the red head man

"Lower your first Son of Rogers, If it wasn't for your Numbers he would've beat you 10 times over. Even with the handed men The Perfect Child took out a decent number of them"

"Funny you call him a perfect Child when He's currently laid out in some Hotel Room"

"He will be back. He's Captain America after all. And Just like his Father he can't resist a good fight"
Immediately James was woken up with a slap to the face making him shoot up

"AH !"

The redhead got into a fighting stance but it didn't last long as he was soon shot back down as he felt 2 bodys hugging him

"JAMES !" Pym and Torunn exclaimed as James shook his head and confusingly hugged them back

"Guys ?"

"YEAH ! IT'S US ! YOU DON'T REMEMBER ! YOUR TRACKER ! IT TURNED ON AND WE WERE ABLE TO FIND YOU !" Pym squealed as he hugged James tighter

"James what happened ? Why were you unconscious ?"

"And what's with all the gas residue on the ground ?"

Right there and then James remembered what happened as he jumped to his feet and immediately began to look around the room frantically

"James ? what are you looking for"


"Who ?"


Raising his hands up softly Francis tried to calm him down

"Woah listen, we didn't see anyone else. When we got here the door was busted down and you were here unconscious on the ground while your nose was bleeding

James brought a hand up to his nose and sure enough he felt blood which he quickly wiped away as his eyebrows furrowed

Making his way to one of the bags James started to bring out more of the equipment while the others shared looks at one another

"James ? you gonna tell us what happened here ?"

"My Brother" he growled as he continued to empty his bag

Immediately in the blink of an eye everyone's face lit up as they all yelled

"WHAT !!!"

The news felt weird even coming out of James's mouth

"Yeah, it's news to me too"

"I'M SORRY YOU HAVE A BROTHER !" Pym exclaimed

"Apparently. he's the one who ransacked this place and took Stacy and my aunt"

"Your aunt ?"

Clicking his gun back and putting his pistol in the holster James spoke

Grabbing his bracelets and strapping them to his wrist James turned back as he started to head to the balcony but was immediately stopped by a black metal rod

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